Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI) Available at: uhri. ohchr Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI) Available at: uhri.ohchr.org Users guide
Contents of this guide Welcome to UHRI: introduction page (slide 3) Objectives of the database (slide 4) Quick guide: Different types of searches (slides 5 to 13) Basic and advanced search Search by country Search by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Resources and search help (slide 14)
Welcome to UHRI: introduction page Available at: uhri.ohchr.org
Objectives of the database 1. Easy access /dissemination of recommendations Improve access to recommendations issued by key mechanisms of the UN human rights protection system : (i) Treaty Bodies established under the international human rights treaties; (ii) Special Procedures; (iii) Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council. 2. Easy review of recommendations to prepare plans of action Assist States , and stakeholders as relevant, in: Knowing and analyzing human rights recommendations directed to the State Generating their own matrix of recommendations clustered by thematic issues/by mechanism to prepare national plans for implementation /follow-up of recommendations, including in consultation with stakeholders; and Document progress and prepare/validate/disseminate progress reports. 3. Easy monitoring of progress by all actors Facilitate the work of national stakeholders to access recommendations and independently monitor progress in the implementation/follow-up of recommendations: National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), civil society, academics, the UN agencies/entities at the country level and other actors.
Quick guide: Different types of searches
1. Basic and advanced search Basic search Advanced search Allows a simple search by: Allows a more in-depth search through additional search categories and the possibility for multiple entries by adding several search criteria. Search can be done by: State(s)/Entity(ies) Free text/key word Theme(s) Affected persons Human rights mechanism(s) Human rights mechanism(s), with the added value of search by document type or mechanism type Document symbol Type of paragraph (concern/observation or recommendation) Time period Region Sustainable Development Goal Position on UPR recommendations “Basic” has hyperlink to basic search default page “Advanced” has hyperlink to advanced search default page
2. Search by country Useful for obtaining a general overview of the material produced by human rights mechanisms, that is available in the database, relating to the country selected.
2. Search by country: example Should you wish to make a more detailed search, e.g. by theme or human rights mechanism, please go to basic or advanced search. “example” has hyperlink to search by country default page “basic” and “advanced” has hyperlinks to the corresponding search pages. IMPORTANT SEARCH TIP: Here, you may save the country you want to search on per default. This is useful if you always tend to search one specific country. You may remove the save by un-ticking the box.
2. Search by country: results page This shows the documents that are in the database for the given country and the number of observations and recommendations there are in each document.
2. Search by country: locating documents that may not yet be in the database The UHRI database is being updated continuously, however, information is ‘indexed’ only after the final edited version of the document becomes available (3-6 months after adoption). Thus, to complete a search, it is useful to consult the databases of all mechanisms available at the following links, by inserting the country as search criteria: Treaty bodies database: tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/TreatyBodyExternal/TBSearch.aspx Special Procedures database: spinternet.ohchr.org/_Layouts/SpecialProceduresInternet/ViewCo untryVisits.aspx Universal Periodic Review (UPR) web pages: www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/UPR/Pages/Documentation.aspx Note for presenter: you may wish to make an additional slide with missing documents so complete the picture. Is it better to have full links here (for ease of the reader of copy pasting for own use) or should I do hyperlinks?
3. Search by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Useful for analysing to which SDG each recommendation is linked. Aim: to support States’ implementation of their human rights obligations and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in a coordinated manner.
3. Search by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): example Search tip: If you have preselected a default country, it will appear automatically. Otherwise select it from the dropdown list. 3. Search by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): example “example” is linked to SDG search default page Search tip: This is the number of targets of goal four, that appears once you have selected the desired goal. By clicking the arrow you can view, select and unselect targets for your search. Then click “show results”.
3. Search by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): results The results page demonstrates the observations and recommendations related to our search on SDG4 (quality education), all targets. There are 8 recommendations and 3 observations related to our search. Recommendations are shown before observations as they indicate a recommended action for the State or other stakeholder (e.g. the international community) and is therefore given priority. Search tip: Click “Expand all” to see the text of the recommendations and concerns/observations.