CFC Application Training Northern New England Combined Federal Campaign 2014 Local Charity Independent and Federal Member Applications.


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Presentation transcript:

CFC Application Training Northern New England Combined Federal Campaign 2014 Local Charity Independent and Federal Member Applications

oIntroduction oCFC Information oApplication Information oApplications oAppeals Process oQuestions oConclusion Contents

CFC Information Mission: To promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee-focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all Federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.

CFC Information oEstablished in 1961, the CFC is the only government-authorized solicitation of employees in the Federal workplace on behalf of charitable organizations. Largest workplace fundraising campaign in the world. oNNE CFC raised over $1,000,000 and served the 25,000+ federal employees of the states of New Hampshire, Vermont, greater Albany New York and the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in We additionally will be serving the state of Maine in 2013.

CFC Information PCFO Sets Policy & Procedures OPM Local Federal Coordinating Committee (LFCC) Conducts Local Campaign (Leadership) Manages Campaign Partners in Local Campaign Local Federations & Local Independents

Application Information Application Deadline: April 1 st, p.m. EST Review Process: April 6 – LFCC will notify local charities of decisions Appeals Process: June 4 – LFCC will complete the appeal review July 31 – OPM will complete the appeal review Campaign Dates: Sept 1 – Dec 15 th – Campaign runs March/April 2014 – charities are notified of designations and disbursement of fund begins April 1

Application Information oOrganization Legal name of the applicant organization. If the name of the organization differs from the name that appears on the IRS determination letter, IRS Form 990, or audited financial statements, official Doing Business As (DBA) documentation from the IRS or state government authorizing use of this name must accompany the application. The EIN must be included. oEmployer Identification Number (EIN) The nine- digit EIN that appears on the IRS determination letter and the IRS Form 990 submitted with this application.

Application Information o5 Digit CFC Number The 5 digit number assigned to the organization. Organizations that did not previously participate in the CFC should leave this field blank. oMailing Address A physical mailing address must be provided - Post Office Box addresses will not be accepted. oTelephone Organizations telephone number.

Application Information oContact Person* The contact person is the individual to whom the CFC will direct all communications. This may be any individual in the organization. oContact Address* Contact persons physical mailing address if different than the organization's address. Post Office Boxes may be used. Participation decision letters and other CFC communications will be sent to the contact person at this address. oContact Telephone* Contact persons telephone number, if different than the organizations telephone number.

Application Information oFax* Contact persons fax number. oContact * Contact persons electronic mail address. Applicants are encouraged to provide more than one address. oWebsite Address List the complete Internet address of the applicant organization (no addresses). This information is required, if the organization has an Internet address. * This will be used as the point of contact for all 2014 correspondence. Please insure that the information remains valid independent of possible staffing changes.

Application Information oDisbursement Address List the address where paper checks will be sent, if different from mailing address. Post office boxes may be used for the disbursement address. oElectronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Information List the Routing and Account numbers, along with the name of the financial institution, where funds should be disbursed. This is an optional method for receipt of CFC contributions. NOTE: Some campaigns may elect not to disburse funds electronically.

oApplicants must fill in the hours of operation for each day of the week (minimum of 15 hours) and the county and state where the office is located. oApplicants must choose from one of the following three options: oSubstantial Local Presence oAdjacent Local Campaign oSubstantial Statewide Presence Certification #1 For Local Independent Organizations / Members of Federations

Option #1: Substantial Local Presence Organization is a staffed facility, office or portion of a residence dedicated exclusively to that organization, available to members of the public seeking its services or benefits. The facility must be open at least 15 hours a week and have a telephone dedicated exclusively to the organization. The office may be staffed by volunteers. Substantial local presence cannot be met on the basis of services provided solely through an 800 telephone number or by disseminating information or publications via the U.S. Postal Service, the Internet, or a combination thereof. Certification #1 (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/ Members of Federations

Option #2: Adjacent Local Campaign A local campaign whose geographic border touches the geographic border of another local campaign. (Information on the geographic boundaries of local CFC Campaigns can be found on the CFC website at Participation in a local campaign via an adjacency determination does not grant the organization a substantial local presence in the adjacent local campaign and participation via adjacency cannot be used to establish adjacency to local campaigns bordering the adjacent campaign area. Certification #1 (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations

Option #3: Substantial Statewide Presence An Organization that provides or conducts real services, benefits, assistance or program activities in the previous year (calendar year 2013) covering 30 percent of a states geographic boundaries or providing or conducting real services, benefits, assistance or program activities affecting 30 percent of a states population. Substantial statewide presence cannot be met on the basis of services provided solely through an 800 telephone number or by disseminating information and publications via the U.S. Postal Service, the Internet, or a combination thereof. Certification #1 (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations

PLEASE USE THE ATTACHMENT A FORM PROVIDED WITH YOUR APPLICATION! Factors OPM/LFCC will consider: oNature and extent of the service, benefit, assistance, or program activity oFrequency, continuity, and duration oImpact on, or benefit to, beneficiaries oNumber of beneficiaries Certification # 1 Attachment A (Cont) For Local Independent Organizations/ Members of Federations

Applicants should avoid: oGeneralized statements oListing offered services oListing location of members, affiliates, or board members oListing the residencies of visitors to a facility Certification # 1 Attachment A (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/ Members of Federations

Applicants should avoid (Cont.): oListing services provided by another entity oListing services provided by the service recipient oInformation disseminated by United States Postal Service or Internet oRepetitive text oFundraising activities as a service Certification # 1 Attachment A (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations

Describe: Who received the service, benefit, assistance, or program activity. What the service, benefit, assistance, or program activity is. Where the service, benefit, assistance, or program activity was delivered. When the service, benefit, assistance, or program activity was delivered. How the service, benefit, assistance, or program activity was delivered. Certification # 1 Attachment A (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations

CFC Certification Statement #1 Attachment A For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations Examples of Qualifying Attachment A: New Hampshire Portsmouth, November 1-3, 2012 ABC Charity conducted a national conference on cancer research and treatment in Portsmouth. ABC Charity staff made presentations on new research, provided advocacy training to attendees, and facilitated a discussion between policymakers and medical researchers. 120 healthcare industry professionals attended the three-day conference Examples of Non-Qualifying Attachment A: Portsmouth, NH December 2012 Charity Central held a Family Day attended by local physicians.

Certification #2 For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations Individual charities: oMust be recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization oUnits of government are not eligible oOPM will verify applicants current 501(c)(3) status with the IRS

Certification #2 Attachment B For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oMust submit a copy of a current, most recent IRS determination letter. (If the name of the applicant organization differs on the IRS determination letter, the IRS Form 990, or audited financial statements, documentation from the IRS or state government authorizing this name change must accompany the application.) oFederal Tax ID Number must be included.

Certification # 2 Attachment B (Contd) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oAn organization that is part of a group exemption or bona-fide chapter or affiliate of a national organization acting as a single corporate entity, must provide a letter from its affiliated national organization with its IRS determination letter.

Certification # 2 Attachment B (Contd) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations Common Errors: oTypographical Errors in Employer Identification Number (EIN) provided oProper Legal Name not provided (insufficient Doing Business As (DBA) documentation) oGovernmental entity without 501(c)(3) recognition oCharity moved (or address changed) and IRS was not notified oMerger with another organization – EIN changed oIRS Form 990 was marked Final Return

Certification #3 For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations Applicants must choose one of the following Options: oOrganization is not part of a group exemption. oOrganization is part of a group exemption. oOrganization is a bona-fide chapter or affiliate operating under a national corporations tax ID.

Certification #3 (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations Option 1: Not Part of a Group Exemption oOrganization is not part of a group exemption. The Name and EIN on the IRS determination letter will be unique. Option 2: Part of a Group Exemption oOrganization is part of a group exemption. The name may or may not be unique. Organizations should have an EIN that is different from the EIN on the national group exemption letter. Must have a certification letter from the national organization. oOrganization is a bona-fide chapter or affiliate operating under a national corporations tax ID.

Certification #3 (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations Option 3: Bona-fide Chapter or Affiliate oOrganization is a bona-fide chapter or affiliate operating under a national corporations tax ID. Name and EIN will be the same as national. Must provide letter from national dated on or after Oct. 1, 2013.

Certification #4 For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oMust certify that it is a human health and welfare organization providing services, benefits, or assistance to, or conducting activities affecting human health and welfare. oThe services, benefits, assistance, or program activities affecting human health and welfare provided in 2013 are reflected in ATTACHMENT A for Local Independent Organizations.

Certification #5 For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations Applicants must choose one of the following three revenue options: oRevenues over $250,000. oRevenues between $100,000 and $250,000. oRevenues less than $100,000.

Certification #5 (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations Option 1: Revenues more than $250,000 oOrganization accounts for its funds on the accrual basis in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) oOrganization has an audit annually by an Independent certified public accountant in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS). Include this audit as Attachment C. oIf using national organization information, provide certification from CEO of affiliated national organization.

Certification #5 (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations Option 2: Revenues between $100,000 & $250,000 oOrganization accounts for its funds on the accrual basis in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) oOrganization has an audit annually by an Independent certified public accountant in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS). oThe audit must be available if requested

Certification #5 (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations Option 3: Revenues less than $100,000 oOrganization must have controls in place to ensure funds are properly accounted for and it can provide accurate timely financial information to interested parties.

Certification #5 Attachment C For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oThe audit must cover the fiscal period ending on or after June 30, oAudit period should match submitted IRS 990 period. oThe audit must state the organization accounts for its funds in accordance with GAAP and it was audited in accordance with GAAS. oThe audit must be signed, dated and be on the audit firms letterhead. oIf it is a consolidated audit (covers a National Organization) their must be a separate audited section on this applicant. oExcept for statements may cause denial.

Certification #6 For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations Applicants must choose one of the following 2 options: oOrganization is required to prepare and submit to the IRS an IRS Form 990. oOrganization is not required to prepare or submit to the IRS an IRS Form 990.

Certification #6 (Cont,) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations Option 1: Organization submits IRS Form 990 oSubmit a copy of the complete IRS Form 990 for a period ending no later than June 30, 2012 as Attachment D. Option 2: Organization does not submit IRS FORM 990 oSubmit a pro forma IRS Form 990 as Attachment D.

Certification # 6 Attachment D For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oAll supplemental information must be included. oA signature in the box marked Signature of Officer is required. The preparers signature alone is not sufficient. oIRS forms 990EZ, 990PF,and comparable forms are not acceptable substitutes. Smaller organizations that file a IRS Form 990EZ may submit it with the appropriate pro forma pages described below for organizations that submit to us a pro forma IRS Form 990.

Certification # 6 Attachment D (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oOrganizations that submit a pro forma IRS Form 990 must complete page 1 and Part V only. oOrganizations that submit a pro forma IRS Form 990 must complete page 1 (Part I, Summary and Part II, Signature Block, Lines 1-4 only; Part VII, (Compensation sections A only); Part VIII (Statement of Revenues); Part IX (Statement of Functional Expenses), and; Part XII (Financial Statements and Reporting)

Certification #7 For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oRegulatory Formula: oIn Part IX (Statement of Functional Expenses, ADD Line 25, Column C to the amount in Line 25, Column D. Divide the sum by Part VIII (Statement of Revenue, Line 12, Column A (Total Revenue). oThe regulatory formula must be used. No other calculations/methods are allowed oAll percentages must be listed to the tenth of a percent (XX.X%).

Certification #8 For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oThe organization is directed by an active and responsible governing body. oThe members of this governing body have no material conflict of interest. oThe majority of the members of this governing body must serve without compensation.

Certification # 9 For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oThe organization prohibits the sale or lease of CFC contributor lists.

Certification # 10 For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oThe Organization conducts publicity and promotional activities based upon its actual program and operations, that these activities are truthful and non- deceptive, include all material facts, and make no exaggerated or misleading claims.

Certification # 11 For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oThe organization named in this application effectively uses the funds contributed for its announced purposes.

Certification # 12 For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oThe organization is in compliance with all statutes, Executive orders, and regulations restricting or prohibiting U.S. persons from engaging in transactions and dealings with countries, entities, or individuals subject to economic sanctions administered by the U.S. Department of the Treasurys Office of Foreign Assets Control. oThe organization is aware that a list of countries subject to such sanctions, a list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons subject to such sanctions, and overviews and guidelines for each such sanctions program can be found at oShould any change in circumstances pertaining to this certification occur at any time, the organization will notify OPM/CFC Operations immediately.

Certification # 13 For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations PLEASE USE THE ATTACHMENT E FORM PROVIDED WITH YOUR APPLICATION! oA statement of 25 words or less that describes the organizations program activities. oFor Local Independent Organizations this will be Attachment E.

oName of organization - either legal name as registered with IRS or approved d.b.a. oPhone number oWeb Site address oLegal name of organization (if listed under d.b.a. name) oEmployee Identification number o25-Word description (Above mentioned requirements are not counted as part of 25-words) oUp to 3 taxonomy letter codes oPercent of administrative costs Certification # 13 Attachment E For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations

Example of 25 Word Description: 0000DBA Name of Organization (legal name of Organization, if applicable) Phone number Web address EIN # The description will contain no more than 25 words. It should be worded so that the donor understands the program services provided. (A/B/O) 4.2% Certification # 13 Attachment E (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations

OPTIONAL: Each organization can self-identify up to three categories, in priority order, which most closely identifies the type of mission, services, and activities provided. The corresponding letters will be printed in your organizations listing in the CFC brochure (see example below) to assist donors in selecting a charity. Categories are derived from the National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) classification system developed by the National Center for Charitable Statistics. Certification # 13 Attachment E (Cont.) For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations

A Arts, Culture, and Humanities B Education C Environment D Animal Related E Health Care F Mental Health & Crisis Intervention G Voluntary Health Associations & Medical Disciplines H Medical Research I Crime & Legal Related J Employment K Food, Agriculture & Nutrition L Housing & Shelter M Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness & Relief N Recreation & Sports O Youth Development P Human Services Q International, Foreign Affairs, & National Security R Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy S Community Improvement & Capacity Building T Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grant making Foundations U Science & Technology V Social Science W Public, Societal Benefit X Religion-Related Y Mutual & Membership Benefit Z Unknown

Certifying Official For Local Independent Organizations/Members of Federations oEvery application must be signed by a certifying official, but we no longer require that each application contain the original signature. oTaxonomy code titles have been revised.

oApplicants must insure that their applications are complete upon submission. (This includes the correct time frames for attachments.) oAll application information must be specific to the applicant federation or organization. Regional and/or national materials will not be accepted. oApplications must be kept on file for 3 completed CFC campaign periods. This would include 2010, 2011, oThe use of standard formats and checklists is no longer permitted to show real services, benefits, assistance or other program activities. General

To Local Federal Coordinating Committee: oDenied applicants must be notified via registered or certified mail. (Return signed receipt.) oFirst appeal to LFCC must be in writing and received within 7 business days from the date of receipt of the initial LFCC decision or 14 calendar days from the date the decision is mailed whichever is earlier. oLFCC must consider all timely appeals and notify the appealing organization within a reasonable time period. oAll LFCC denials of appeals must be sent via registered or certified mail. (Return signed receipt.) oAppeals may not be used to supplement original applications missing or outdated materials. Appeals Process

To the Office of Personnel and Management: oAppeal must be in writing. oMust be received by OPM within 10 business days of the date of receipt of the letter from the LFCC denying eligibility on appeal. oMust include a statement including the reason(s) why eligibility should be granted. oMust include a copy of the letter from the LFCC denying the original application, the organization's original appeal to the LFCC and a copy of the letter from the LFCC denying the appeal. oAppeals may not be used to supplement original applications that had missing or outdated materials. Appeals Process (cont.)

oNo brochures may be printed until all local appeals filed with OPM are resolved. oLFCCs should contact OPM 21 calendar days after local appeals decisions have been issued. oOPM issues technical reversals every year for the following: oReasons for denial change from initial to appeal oorganization was not properly informed (registered mail) oBlanket denial for federation (Members should all be considered individually if federation is denied) oAdditional information may be requested by an LFCC but may not be used to determine eligibility. Appeals Process (cont.)

Thank You! For further questions and assistance contact the Northern New England CFC Office.