Immigration Add writers, artists, music, women’r rights, immigrants?
I. Push-Pull Factors A. Push factors - events that push people out of their native lands: religious problems overpopulation crop failure - Irish potato famine (no food) War and rebellions had disrupted the ancient Chinese ways. Many were out of work and looking for hope. They took their picks and shovels and headed for CA. They didn’t intend to stay-thought they could reach down, get some gold, and come home rich. Some of the Chinese miners did find gold, but there was plenty of work for the others. Since there were few women settlers in CA, there was much cooking and laundry to be done. Most Amer men wouldn’t do those traditionally female jobs and Chinese custom held it no disgrace to cook and clean. At first the Chinese were treated like the other new CAs because it was an exciting time. But when disappointment set in and most people didn’t find gold, they looked to blame someone. Ended up blaming men who spoke a foreign tongue and were different. Soon there were nasty attacks on the Chinese and discriminatory laws that were another form of attack. The American Party was formed to keep white Anglo-Saxon Protestants as true Americans (interesting they didn’t think the Native Americans were true Americans). They wanted to keep immigrants out of this new land. While they called themselves the American Party, others called them the “Know-Nothing Party”.
B. Pull Factors events that pull people towards a new place: religious/political freedom cheap land more economic opportunity Because they had different customs than most Americans, they were rejected and people made fun of them.
II. Immigrants A. European – 1840s Most came from Ireland and Germany From northern and western Europe Most came from Ireland and Germany By 1854 2 million left Ireland due to famine
Settled in port cities and took low paying jobs Result: overcrowding in cities and prejudice against immigrants
B. Asian Chinese immigrants came mainly for gold 20,000 entered SF - 1852 at first, accepted as gold became scarce, Chinese were attacked
III. Statehood - 1850 California became 31st state (no slavery) very controversial event