Balancing Life Roles
Kearns Jr High Counselors Mr. Gudmundson—7th Grade (Last Name A-G) Ms. Dopita—7th Grade (Last Name H-Z) Ms. Ploch—8th Grade Ms. Reynolds—9th Grade Introduce counselors and alphabet Expectations Respect! I respect you if you respect me. Raise hand What does listening look like? Come prepared with pencil every time
Balancing Life Roles What is a Role? Balancing Activity What life roles do you play? Role: noun 1. a part or character played by an actor or actress. 2. proper or customary function: the teacher's role in society. 3. Sociology . the rights, obligations, and expected behavior patterns associated with a particular social status Questions Is it easy to do many things all at the same time? What part of our life could the wipes represent? What part of our life could the textbook represent? What part of our life could the phone represent? What part of our life could the water bottle represent? What part of our life could the tape line represent?
5 Life Roles Family Member Community Member Citizen Child, Sibling, Adult, Spouse, Parent, Grandparent, etc. Community Member Town, School, Classroom, Religion, Culture, Ethnicity, etc. Citizen Local, State, National Learner/Student—Worker—Retiree Formal and Informal Leisure Hobbies, Sports, Talents, Travel, etc.
Balancing Life Roles -- “The Time Evaluator” Purpose: To help you examine the time you spend on each of your major life roles. You will also assess if you would like to make changes to create a better balance among the roles you consider important. Instructions: On the row labeled “Current Level,” estimate the amount of time you spend on that life role. Shade in the bar graph up to the level you spend now. Consider whether this is how you want to spend your time or if you would like to better balance your time in this area. Under the “Preferred Level,” shade in the bar graph to reflect how you want to better spend your time.
Key Steps to Balance Clarify Values Realistic Goals And Expectations Figure Out What Is Getting In The Way Set Priorities And Manage Time
Planning Tools for BALANCING Time Use back side to write out a goal for the next 2-3 weeks. Briefly write in the daily steps (goals) that will help you get to that point
Junior High and 7th Grade What did you hear (from friends/siblings) about jr high and 7th grade? Was it true? Junior High and 7th Grade What is it? What is it not?
Important Junior High Lingo Quarter (or Term): The junior high school year is divided into 4 quarters. Each quarter lasts about 45 days. At the end of each quarter students get a report card. Mid-Term: In the middle of each quarter (or term) teachers give students a midterm report of their grades- a good notice of the good work you are doing or a good warning of what you need to do to improve.
Important Junior High Lingo Semester: First semester is the half year point in the school year. Second semester goes from the half year point to the end of the school year. Some of your classes are only one semester long. GPA: Grade Point Average- the average of all the grades you earn in a term. If you work hard and earn all “A” grades in a term, you will have a 4.0 GPA.
Important Junior High Lingo SEOP/PCCR: Student Education Occupation Plan or Plan for College and Career Readiness. This is a meeting you have with your counselor at least twice a year. One of these meetings we invite your parents to attend. We talk about goals you have for your future and create a plan to help you meet these goals. How well you do in 7th grade can influence your school success in 8th grade and onto graduation from high school.
Key Points Life Is About Balancing Roles And Demands On Your Time Goals And Planning Will Help You Balance Well Enjoy 7th Grade