COSIA project update meeting OLI and AQSim March 2017 Think simulation!
Agenda Phase 1 review Phase 2 proposal Summary of work Presentation of results to date Project wrap-up Phase 2 proposal Recap of current proposal Data needed from members Open questions / answers
Introductions Name Company Position in your company
COSIA / OLI work Objective Method Understand and optimize the performance of lime softening units for removing silica from produced water through simulation Method Phase 1: Improve silicate solubility in OLI calcs Phase 2: Assess impact of phenomena / kinetics beyond solubility to improve simulation Phase 3:……………………..?
Phase 1 review Ca++, Mg++, Zn++, Al+++ silicate solubility predictions OLI project team Andre Anderko Jerzy Kosinski Peiming Wang Preliminary results Project completion estimate In business 45 years, core competency is electrolyte thermodynamics research and development. (consider size of company of prospect) 8 full time electrolyte physical chemists & thermodynamicists. From this work we have developed expertise in experimental data mining and contracting labs for data, in process simulation and mathematical techniques. electrolyte and simulation experts. Marshall was at Exxon and became interested in challenging mathematical convergence models. Electrolytes have very challenging mathematical behavior. When you work with OLI you work primarily work through SW. Sometimes you will work with OLI to extend the model or the data.
Phase 2 proposal Gain insight into the overall silica removal process Beyond solubility Gain insight into the overall silica removal process Pure-phase vs. solid-solution precipitation Silica adsorption onto magnesium hydroxide surfaces Solids inclusion within the magnesium hydroxide lattice Reaction kinetics and mass transfer limits All of the above Most often when you work with OLI, you work through AQSim. Business development directors for OLI. Office in OLI, work closely together. Mission…OLI to further electrolyte science, AQSim to empower clients to solve water chemistry applications. AQSim works exclusively with OLI.
Phase 2 questions How significant is each mechanism? Where should kinetics and mass transfer be applied? What empirical data is available / needed? What are successful and achievable milestones in this research project?
Phase 2 approach Section 1: More data needed Collection and analysis of literature data Surface complexation Mass transfer Reaction kinetics Collection and analysis of plant data from members Deliverable phenomena versus kinetics assessment with modeling recommendations
Phase 2 approach (continued) Section 2: laboratory data to plant data Quantitative analysis of lab data Determine how to fill the gap moving to plant data Deliverables Standardized coefficients applied to an equilibrium-based steady state simulation model. Optimizer tool requirements to be used within an existing simulator OLI is found anywhere that water is present. The team of thermodynamists have created a broad database to be used in many markets. The software is general, you give it meaning by defining your chemistry.
Success depends on data! Empirical data available directly from COSIA Empirical data available from members particularly plant data Reports from COSIA-funded or member-funded researchers Exhaustive literature search / data mining on silicate chemistry (beyond thermodynamics) Surface complexation, mass transfer, reaction kinetics OLI is found anywhere that water is present. The team of thermodynamists have created a broad database to be used in many markets. The software is general, you give it meaning by defining your chemistry.
Q/A on Phase 2 Good slide for mechanical eng who wonder why do process simulation.
Thanks for your attention!