District PD Day: October 4, 2013 FIP: Formative Instructional Practices
Norms to guide us: - Everyone participates - Respect the opinions of others - One person talks at a time - Cell phones on silent - Technology put away - Stay focused
Mrs. Petty: Warm up activity PERSONAL SLOGANS - Choose a slogan from the handout as your own personal motto - Be prepared to explain how this statement describes you best - Write the name of 5 other JH staff members on the blank that best describes them - Write the product or company that uses the slogan on the line provided
How comfortable are you with FIP in your classroom and teaching? Pick your corne r
Review from last time: Why FIP? - OTES, CCSS, SLO FIP provides a framework for aligning all of the things we need to do in order to ensure student success. What are we already doing? - Formative Assessments, I can statements Where are we going next? - Deepen understanding of Fip by completing modules 1-3 and beginning deconstruction of standards
Our learning targets for today: 1) Deepen our understanding of the four core components of formative instructional practices 2) Understand the common misconceptions and pitfalls related to formative instructional practices 3) Deepen your understanding of the increase in rigor required by the CCSS (PARCC)
The Miss Conception Competition Rules: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iuRK72ieXY 1. Decide among your team who will be representing you in the physical portion of the competition. 2. All physical contestants will start kneeling in front of Miss Conception at the top of the bleachers on the pink piece of paper. 3. Once the clue is read, contestants will run down the steps of the bleachers to area in which the answers are face down. 4. Contestants must find the right answer to the clue that was given. 5. Once found, contestants will then run back up to their spot at the top of the bleachers and kneel in front of Miss Conception with their answer facing their chests. There will be one less piece of pink paper per round. 6. Miss Conception will ask the contestants then what answer they brought to her. 7. Contestants will then present their answers. 8. Last contestant found standing or contestant with the wrong answer will be eliminated from the competition.
BLT’s Top 5 Misconceptions 1. The teachers I’m working with monitor learning by tracking summative evidence only. 2. I reteach learning targets often. It is up to students, however, to practice on their own before being assessed again. 3. I believe that my students should have lots of descriptive feedback about their work, but I don’t always give it because writing it all out takes too long. 4. Our staff is very friendly with each other. I don’t think much preparation is needed to get teachers sharing their data and assessments with each other. 5. I feel confident that all teachers already know how to promote student ownership in their classrooms.
What’s around the corner? Live Binder PARCC resource CCSS and PARCC Live Binder PARCC resource
Resources www.achievethecore.org http://www.teachthought.com/ https://www.spellingcity.com/science-vocabulary.html
PARCC Assessment Types Evidence-Based Selected Response (EBSR) Combines a traditional selected response question with a second selected-response question that asks students to show evidence from the text that supports the answer they provided to the first question. Underscores the importance of Reading Anchor Standard 1 for implementation of the CCSS.
PARCC Assessment Types Technology-Enhanced Constructed Response (TECR) Uses technology to capture student comprehension of texts in authentic ways that have been difficult to score by machine for large scale assessments (e.g., drag and drop, cut and paste, shade text, move items to show relationships).
PARCC Assessment Types Range of Prose Constructed Responses (PCR) Elicits evidence that students have understood a text or texts they have read and can communicate that understanding well both in terms of written expression and knowledge of language and conventions. There are four of these items on each annual performance-based assessment.
PARCC Assessment Types Literary Analysis Task Students asked to read complex texts and compose an analytic essay
PARCC Assessment Types Narrative Task: Students asked to write a story; detail a scientific process; write a historical account; or describe an account of events, scenes, or objects.
PARCC Assessment Types Research Simulation Task: Students asked to analyze a topic presented through several texts, including an anchor text that introduces the topic. Students will answer series of questions and write two analytic essays.
Evaluating Assessments Things to think about: Are we using the right assessment types for our standards and targets? What assessment types fit best for Knowledge, Reasoning, Skill, or Product targets?
Good Ole Bloom’s Cognitive Processes Level 1. Remember Level 2. Understand Level 3. Apply Level 4. Analyze Level 5. Evaluate Level 6. Create This may not mean the rigor has increased!
Learning Target & Assessment Levels Level 1. Recall & Reproduction Level 2. Skills & Concepts Level 3. Strategic Thinking/Reasoning Level 4. Extended Thinking
Step 1: Individually Evaluate Your Common Summative A. Would your students know which targets/I can statements you’re testing by looking at your test? B. Does your summative evaluate only the targets/I Can statements you want it to? C. What types of targets/I can statements are you evaluating with this assessment? D. Do my targets/I can statement types and assessments have enough rigor?
HIghlight as you find them
Step 2: Get into your grade level TBT’s to discuss your findings Possible discussion points: - Did you find anything you need to change with this particular assessment? - How can you improve the rigor of your assessment(s)? - After looking at the rubric, what assessment questions or types would you like to try? - Do you think doing this with formative assessments would be helpful?
OTES Open Forum - Collecting and Showing Evidence - Ways to make your life easier and your evidence collection better - Staff members with OTES, ORE, and Master Teacher experience weigh in
Collection Display Instruments - Evernote (free to download, from Web Wednesday) - Live Binder (free to create account, great resource as well for pre-made educational binder)
Lunch!!!! 11:00 - 12:00
Announcements: 1. Sign in sheet 2. Modules 1 - 5 - certificates of completion printed and turned into Joanne by November 26, 2013 3. TBT facilitator - Title 1 funds 4. SLO Timeline/Attachments - working individually on SLO’s or deconstructing standards / mapping Mr. Bowdle will be leading a relaxation simulation for us to prepare for the work on our SLO’s.