Isaiah Signs of the Times, The Second Coming, Millennium, and Final Judgment
In your group, you will receive a set of scriptures about: The Latter Days In your group, you will receive a set of scriptures about: The Signs of the Times, the Second Coming, the Millennium, or the Final Judgment You will have 8 minutes to read each passage and then discuss what each prophecy means (use the footnotes for clarification). Discuss how you can prepare for the event you are studying. Please write one question about your topic on the other side of the paper.
The Latter Days Signs of the Times Isaiah 22:12–14 The Millennium I Isaiah 11:5–9 Isaiah 12:1–3 The Millennium II Isaiah 14:3 Isaiah 65:17–25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- The 2nd Coming Isaiah 25:6–8 Isaiah 25:9 Isaiah 63:1-7 The Final Judgment Isaiah 13:11 Isaiah 33:15–16 Isaiah 35:8
Isaiah 25:9 “This is our God and we have waited for him…” What are some additional things we may need to wait for the Lord to bless us with? Answers to prayers Help in overcoming temptation Forgiveness Marriage Children Healing Answers to questions we struggle with.) When have you needed to wait for the Lord before receiving a blessing? What did the Lord require from you before He blessed you? Why was the blessing you received worth the wait?
Isaiah 25:9 “This is our God and we have waited for him…” “In the scriptures, the word wait means to hope, to anticipate, and to trust. To hope and trust in the Lord requires faith, patience, humility, meekness, long-suffering, keeping the commandments, and enduring to the end” (“Waiting upon the Lord: Thy Will Be Done,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2011, 72). Mark Isaiah 26:4, which teaches about the importance of trusting in the Lord.
High Priest of Good things to Come
High Priest of Good things to Come
Isaiah Signs of the Times, The Second Coming, Millennium, and Final Judgment