Literacy Across Learning Information for parents of new S1 pupils
Literacy lies at the heart of achievement and attainment for pupils In all curricular areas, Literacy already forms a substantial part of learning. Many of the Literacy Experiences and Outcomes are already embedded within learners’ classroom experiences across subjects. There is a clear link between Literacy skills and attainment As part of the Broad General Education (BGE) pupils should be able to recognise where and when they use Literacy skills All staff should develop the advanced literacy skills of children and young people in order to challenge their thinking and actively involve them in their learning. (from 3-18 review)
How do we do this? The English department nurtures a love of reading, analytical skills, and also teaches many of the technical aspects of reading, writing, talking and listening However, all teachers are involved in the delivery of key components of literacy under the Broad General Education A series of benchmarks has been produced to help pupils recognise when and how they are deploying their literacy skills in all subject areas
Developing knowledge of literacy in junior school What we’ve done: Across the school Pilot Literacy Passport scheme Six week block on developing core literacy skills delivered by librarian during PSE time Interdisciplinary learning opportunities (Narnia) In English Developed a dynamic reading and discussion based reading programme to monitor and develop reading habits (Books and Beyond) Carnegie Shadowing group to develop deep reading in pupils (opt in programme)
How successful have we been? Extensive student sampling and evaluations have been generally very positive Pupils’ reading habits are developing very well Developed teachers’ expertise in delivering literacy outcomes within their own subject areas
What we will be doing Literacy passport scheme to be rolled out for entire S1 intake of 2017/18 This will help pupils to think about learning and raise the profile of literacy skills in relation to all aspects of their education Modify and develop six week block of literacy lessons to be delivered by our librarians Continue to work in English to develop appreciation of literature and technical aspects of literacy
What can parents do? Talk to your child about books! Ask them about literacy work at school. Ask to see their literacy passport and encourage them to keep it up to date. Remind them to take it to school every day. For English, make sure that they share their reading targets with you, which should be written in their homework planners on a weekly basis Make sure you sign their planner when they meet the target Ask them about the books they read: what they enjoy and why etc.