Study – is this what we think of?
We become like what we study – like father like son… What are you spending your time/energy focussing on?
"Sheep get like shepherds, and shepherds get like sheep. [ "Sheep get like shepherds, and shepherds get like sheep. [...] But it is quicker and closer, with trees and Ents."
Truth sets us free – so don’t be in bondage!
How do we change? Fixing our eyes on other things…
What is study?
More than reading
More than books
How study?
Focus on things – repetition. Keep doing it! Kids books, songs
Concentrate – not background – experience of ‘what have I just read?’ How often do we get space/time when there’s no other distractions? Radio/TV on all the time?
Comprehension – understand what you read (penny drop moment)
Reflection – find the significance of what you read
Need for humility – not showing off – that only shows we have learned facts, not wisdom
Not just reading…
What’s being said?
What’s meant?
Is it right or wrong?
Other books
Live discussion – housegroups…
Non verbal books
People & relationships Why do we do what we do? (why do we have to justify ourselves so much – can our actions speak for us?)
Finding wonder in all things
Finding time to do this study? So what about Mary & Martha “One thing is needed” … to sit in submission at the feet of Christ and study – learn from/of him Is Mary serving – what do you think a preacher wants? People to listen to them! We make time to do what we think is important … do we want to be transformed by the renewing of our minds? Danger of spending all our time on urgent things – and missing the important. Were we really made to spend all our time at work? Or to please ourselves? Not cares of the church – but of the Lord.