The Renaissance in Europe: Lesson 2: Ideas and Art of the Renaissance Lauren Christy
Social Black Africans were beginning to be a major role in society, not just as slaves Humanists rejected classical ideas that were opposed to Christianity or they sought reinterpretation of an underlying harmony between the pagan and secular and Christianity
Political Became closer to a secular state, or one with a greater separation from the church The House of Medici controlled many of the Italian states. It started with Giambuono de’ Medici and ended with John Gaston I Medici Coat of Arms
Interaction between Humans and the Environment Bubonic Plague: Most common form of the “Black Plague” during this time; swollen lumps on the neck, groin, and armpits Pneumonic Plague: Worse than bubonic, and was airborne Plagues killed about 75-200 million people in the 14th Century
Culture Humanism: intellectual movement of the Renaissance based on the study of the humanities, including grammar, rhetoric, poetry, moral philosophy, and history People started wring in the vernacular, or the language of everyday speech in the region Educators wanted to get students, and everyone else, to their full potential Renaissance artists usually didn’t involve the church and had depth and perspective Arranged marriage and dowries to gain wealth
Economic A surge of urbanization lead to a rise in the economy Most of the money from this time came from textiles and cloth industries Francesco Sforza brought taxes with his rule Economy began to decline in the 1400’s Renaissance Textiles