Global GEO-Map a proposal for the International Year of Planet Earth an idea Global GEO-Map a proposal for the International Year of Planet Earth Ian Jackson British Geological Survey UK 28/11/2018
At the moment this proposal is no more than a (bright?) idea Where did the idea come from ? IUGS-CGI INSPIRE (the European Spatial Data Infrastructure Directive), CGMW's digital map standards Working Group (DIMAS) My work at BGS (digital maps for UK) Global Map – a project to deliver digital topographic map of world at 1:1million ( International Year of Planet Earth 2008 28/11/2018
So … what is the idea ? a proposal under International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE) initiate a global digital geological map spatial database project at 1:1million scale Present the first results at the IGC in 2012 28/11/2018
Why do it ? (1) we need to understand our global environment to solve global environmental problems at a global scale digital geological map data at this scale across the globe is either unavailable, out of date, of variable quality and inconsistent we have geo-spatial data and satellite imagery and computing systems that we have never had before The UN Gen. Assembly 1997 (Agenda 21) need for global mapping, public access to information, international cooperation decrease the gaps in the availability, quality, standardisation and accessibility of data between nations ? 28/11/2018
Why do it ? (2) accelerate the development and promulgation of basic and essential international digital geological map standards and specifications, through a practical project create an aspirational benchmark for all nations to attain - transferring knowledge and raising standards provide a tangible deliverable from International Year of Planet Earth, for CGMW, involve all nations and produce considerable interest and publicity A natural evolution of the CGMW (in the digital era) to a strategic and standard approach to its map data – and thus make data more useable and accessible truly global – not only continental 28/11/2018
Why do it now ? Because the technology and skills and "culture" (attitudes) of the majority of the organisations who would be involved are in place. Because we can capitalise on the International Year of Planet Earth to get every nation to make a commitment to deliver their part of the global geological jigsaw puzzle. This way every nation (through its national geological survey), can make a practical contribution to doing something global and make a difference! 28/11/2018
How to do it ? (1) Make it a major proposal under IYPE, supported and backed by IUGS, CGMW, ICSU, UNESCO, national geological surveys, EuroGeoSurveys, North American Data Model etc Start the design work now, make the public commitment as a key part of IYPE, set a delivery date to present the first results at the IGC in 2012 Early (major) task - establish a specification and the standards draw on the experience of national surveys, IUGS, CGMW, DIMAS and CGI, Keep the data and its structure simple (ie avoid the temptation to extend the scope - it should not get bogged down in being all things to all geoscientists! - other things can be added later) 28/11/2018
How to do it ? (2) Use/convert existing 1:1 million geological map data Exploit and fit with the Global (topographic) Map - learn from and use their generic data structure etc and become an interoperable theme. Make it an international cooperation Get as many countries as possible to sign up (national geological surveys) - they will often be the ones who supply/convert the data to conform to the Global Geo-map specification THINK GLOBALLY – ACT LOCALLY ! Assign a project manager and Steering Committee Make it an internet-available product Don't stop when it's finished - because it never will be put in place plans to upgrade and improve it. 28/11/2018
Thank you for your time I’d be very grateful for your initial reaction Do you think the concept is worthwhile ? Do you think it is viable ? Would your organisation contribute to jointly develop a consortium proposal to IYPE + IUGS? Please respond to : Ian Jackson 28/11/2018