Welcome to Lovinggood Middle School
Mr. Bailey’s Welcome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eU4jd9lijY&feature=em- share_video_user
Lovinggood Nuts and Bolts Earliest drop off time is at 8:15. All students dropped off before 8:50 will report directly to the theater ****There is no supervision outside for students who are dropped off earlier than 8:15 Students are tardy after 9:15 First day of school students will receive their lockers Grade level meeting will be in the theater to go over rules and procedures with students To access your student’s bus information please use the QR codes posted. You may also go to the Collaborative Learning Commons if you do not have cell or internet access.
Nuts and Bolts Continued If you want to run for school council please submit your information on the QR Code We are looking for volunteers to help with supervision during Hawk Time, lunch, and in the parking lots in the A.M. and P.M. We want all volunteers and especially men for the roles listed above. If you are interested please submit your information on the QR Code Syllabus will be posted on the blog by Friday August 10th Taking a picture of your student schedule may be helpful for homeroom information on Wednesday Please drop off all scheduling errors in the front office. This is for students with scheduling conflicts (I.E two 3rd periods)
Grade Level Information Locker breaks: Students have access to their lockers and restrooms during normal transitions Supply list: See individual teacher’s blogs or classrooms for specific items. House SS – 3 or 5 subject spiral notebook (ensure at least 8 ½ X 11 notebook)
First Day Folders Superintendent Ragsdale’s Welcome Letter CCSD Clinic Card (Please fill out immediately and return) Official Receipt of the Family Information Guide and Student Code of Conduct (2018- 2019) It is now available to view online Nutrition News Food and Nutrition Services Meal Application Instructions (English/Spanish) Atlanta Braves partnership flyers
Lovinggood Information Yearbook sales are on $29 from now until August 10th. Please see Ms. Wilson in the front hall towards the connections class for more information The vendors did not deliver all of our agendas. Agendas will be distributed as soon as we receive it. The PTSA and our School Foundation are located in the front lobby. Please show your support. Open House will take place on September 10th, 11th, and 13th at 6:00 p.m. for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade respectively. Mr. Bailey will post a Friday video every Friday onto the website for important information.