Dr. Larisa Harper Director, College Credit Plus Ohio Department of Higher Education Ohio Department of Education
College Credit Plus Ohio’s only dual enrollment program Purpose: To promote rigorous academic pursuits and To provide a wide variety of options to college-ready students Part of Ohio’s Attainment Goal initiatives
College Credit Plus FAQs for CTE & CCP
College Credit Plus FAQs for CTE & CCP www.ohiohighered.org/ccp
FAQs for CTE & CCP Question: How is a CCP CTE course reported in EMIS?
FAQs for CTE & CCP Answer: A CCP CTE course is reported in the following way: Curriculum Code (CN310) - PS Location IRN (CN110) - IRN of the college granting credit Delivery Method (CN320) – CP if District is using their own resources and wants to receive CTE funding
FAQs for CTE & CCP Question: Does a secondary school receive funding from College Credit Plus (CCP) and career-technical education (CTE) funding?
FAQs for CTE & CCP Answer: Funding for CCP courses flows to the college partner and is deducted from the district’s foundation funding. The district does not receive any funds for CCP courses. CTE Funding for a CTE CCP course flows the same way as all other CTE funds flow.
FAQs for CTE & CCP Answer (continued): If the JVSD offers the course 100% of the time, they report the course and pay for the CCP course. If both schools report the course, responsibility for the deduction is determined by the ratio of percentage of time for each school. The deduction is split by the ratio of percentage of time.
FAQs for CTE & CCP Question: Can a district offer a course that includes College Credit Plus students as well as students taking the course who are not dually enrolled at the college?
FAQs for CTE & CCP Answer: Yes, as long as it is the college course that is taught. All students in the class must follow the same course syllabus, use the same textbook and be assessed using the same methods as the college course delivered on the college campus.
FAQs for CTE & CCP Answer (continued): Students not enrolled in college but who are taking the college course, along with their parents, must be notified the student is not earning college credit and would likely be required to retake the course upon enrolling in college in the future, if so desired (Ohio Administrative Code 3333-1-65.2).
FAQs for CTE & CCP Question: If a student participates in a College Credit Plus course in place of a secondary course that requires student organization (CTSO) activities or other activities in addition to the college course, can the student receive two different grades – one for their high school transcript and one for their college transcript?
FAQs for CTE & CCP Answer: No. The student participates in the college course and completes to the college course syllabi, learning outcomes and assessment requirements. Additional secondary requirements related to the student’s career field pathway must be completed within another secondary course.
FAQs for CTE & CCP Question: Can career-technical student organizations (CTSO) courses integrate its activities?
FAQs for CTE & CCP Answer: If the CTSO activities are an integral part of the instruction and used as an instructional strategy to teach the college standards, they can be used. If they are ancillary to the course, they cannot be used as an instructional method for subject matter outside the college content, and students cannot receive a grade for the CTSO activities.
FAQs for CTE & CCP Question: Do courses offered for bilateral or statewide articulated credit fall under the same requirements as College Credit Plus (e.g. teacher credentials, transcripted credits, dual enrollment admissions requirements)?
FAQs for CTE & CCP Answer: No. Articulated credit options are separate from College Credit Plus rules and requirements. The course taught at the high school level is the secondary course, not the college course. The student receives the credit after graduating high school and upon enrollment into an approved college.
College Credit Plus FAQs for CTE & CCP www.ohiohighered.org/ccp
2015-2016 First Year Participation Over 54,000 students participated Represented increase over the last two years of PSEO 23 Public Community Colleges, 13 Public Universities, & 35 Private Institutions
2015-2016 First Year Participation 93% of students from public school districts 3.8%, private school districts 2.0% community schools 0.5% homeschooled
2015-2016 First Year Participation 72.5% were in grades 11 and 12 56% female Race/ethnicity 71.6% Caucasian, White 6.3% African American 14.3% economically disadvantaged
2015-2016 First Year Participation 90% took 4 or fewer courses Subject areas 18% English courses 16% math 15% social sciences 15% science 13% math
2015-2016 First Year Participation Types of courses 67% general studies 19% baccalaureate 13% technical
2015-2016 First Year Performance Grades 92% earned passing grades 3% failing grade 2% withdrew
2015-2016 First Year Performance 72% earned between 3.00 and 4.00 GPA Location: At high school, college faculty: 3.25 avg. GPA At high school, high school faculty: 3.33 GPA On college campus: 3.20 GPA Online: 3.18 GPA
2015-2016 First Year Performance Passing by grade level 7th: 88.5%
2016-2017 Second Year* Participation Over 65,000 students Includes first time enrollment of summer term (10% of students took summer courses) 70% in grades 11 and 12 Gap in under-represented groups continues 80% took 4 or fewer courses *Preliminary data September 2017
2016-2017 Second Year Matriculation Over 350 one-year certificates and over 1,000 associated degrees awarded since 2015 Approximately 17,000 students who participated in 2015-2016 matriculated to an Ohio public institution
2017-2018 Third Year Ohio House Bill 49 ~ June 30, 2017 Several changes to College Credit Plus in Ohio law Stakeholder input provided catalyst for changes Secondary schools and higher education institutions (individuals, associations) Families, students Ohio General Assembly
2017-2018 Third Year New Provision Summary Student Eligibility Minimum Criteria Student Assessment – Institution of Higher Education Responsibility Rule-Making: Course Eligibility, Underperforming Students* *Rules to be effective February 1, 2018
2017-2018 Third Year New Provision Summary Payments to Colleges Standard Tuition Rate, Default Payment Structure, Payment Deadlines Early College High School exemption Appeals Process Changes Annual and Outcomes Reporting Minor Technical Changes
Fourth Year and Beyond … Data Collection and Analysis Stakeholder Convening Focus Groups To be continued …
College Credit Plus Questions & Contact Info Dr. Larisa Harper lharper@highered.ohio.gov www.ohiohighered.org/ccp Twitter: @drlarisaharper LinkedIn: Larisa Higdon Harper
College Credit Plus Resources http://blog.fairmontschools.com/2015/06/chalk-talk-decoding-stem.html https://www.gnapartners.com/webinar/hr-alphabet-soup/ www.ohiohighered.org/ccp http://www.ourict.co.uk/complete-list-education-acronyms/ https://www.slideshare.net/BrookesPubCo/what-every-educator-should-know-about-special-education-law