ETNAR conference, Palić Reports from the sessions on natural resources and energy and climate change
Presentations - EU legislation (Directives, Natura 200, EU Bidi strategy, CBD strategic plan- Aichi targets) - ecosystem services (TEEB, FoEI position) - land grabbing in Serbia (bad/missing legislation, Alliance for common goods)
Problems in the region Hydro power plants Water management Monitoring in PA Logging and forest fires
Which activities are present Campaigns Direct actions Legal tools Networking
How ETNAR can help? Networking and capacity building Providing expertise Financial support (sub-grants) Advocacy support
Topics for regional work Water management/ common campaign on HPP Waste management Air pollution Land grabbing
Open space Energy community Implementation of IPPC Energy strategy Serbia Regional networking for advocacy local energy policy change Energy cooperatives Climate change in SEE Renewables in SEE THANK YOU! Zelena akcija, Hr Centar za životnu sredinu, BiH Zelena akcija, Hr