Welcome to Second Grade! Mrs. Lindsey Room 10
Sign-up for party helpers after the presentation!
Daily Schedule 8:45-9:10-Arrival, Attendance, Silent Reading 9:10-10:00-Reading Groups 10:00-11:05-Language Arts 11:05-11:20-Recess 11:30-12:00-Lunch 12:00-12:30-Language Arts 12:30-12:45-Recess 12:45-1:00-Math Fact Fluency 1:00-2:15-Math 2:15-2:55-Special 3:00-3:30-Content (Science, Health, Social Studies) 3:30-3:40-Snack/Read Aloud 3:40-Pack-up 3:45-Dismissal
Useful supplies to have at home Lined and unlined paper Erasers Sharpened Pencils Colored Pencils and/or Crayons Ruler (w/ inches and centimeters) Dictionary
Homework – Please sign assignment book each night Math – return next school day
Content: Switch for Science, SS, Health Content will begin the end of Sept./beginning of Oct., end in April/beginning of May. Content and Specials: Only graded 2nd/4th MP
Xtramath.org Prodigy Edmentum BYOD
Absence – work to be sent home (call office by 10:30 if you want missed work), pick up after 3:00 or send home with another student.
PBIS – Mountain Shouts Clip Down Communication Memos/Office Referrals Classroom Store/Whole School Rewards
Volunteers – must have clearances and district issued badge. Confidentiality – Share nothing that you wouldn’t want shared about your own child. Types of Volunteer activities Sight Words Math Practice Class Projects Creation of class materials
Conferences: November and January, Please sign up tonight for November time slot (same time will be used for January).
Students may bring water bottles to school. Snacks: Healthy (peanut free) at the end of the day. Birthday Treats: Non Food treats. See information in the Open House Folder.
Medication: None is given by school personnel unless there is a doctor’s order. Cough drops require parent note and kept in nurse’s office.
Recess: Shoes (sneakers can be left in book bag to change into) Dress: Appropriate for weather, what you send your child to school in, is how they go outside.
Junior Achievement Reading Calendars Student of the Month Back to School Bash-September 21st. 5-7:30pm.
Website – check for information Homework sent via email and in elementary planner (keep in folder) Book Orders
Any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at: Thank you for coming! Any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at: Wlindsey@cdschools.org