Wessex – North Hampshire CCG Co-commissioning - Medical


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Presentation transcript:

Wessex – North Hampshire CCG Co-commissioning - Medical Finance Report Wessex – North Hampshire CCG Co-commissioning - Medical Wessex 3 May 2016

Summary – North Hampshire CCG This Primary Care Medical budget and outturn position for the financial year ended 31st March 2016 is summarised in the attach table. Along side the 2015/16 outturn position is the 2016/17 budget plan. The outturn position was in line with the 2015/16 plans with a number of small variances across different components of the primary medical services which are analysed in the table. The overall position for the year was an underspend of £497,000. CCG level allocations were recently published with North Hampshire’s indicative allocation of £27.77m. Primary Care Medical budget plans for 2016/17 have now been established taking into consideration the nation contract negotiations and the plan is summarised in the table. The plan also includes the PMS premium identified through the PMS review. The premium released for 2016/17 (approximately £180k) will need to be transferred to CCG baseline in year for the CCG to reinvest in primary medical services.

Financial Performance – North Hampshire CCG Primary Care Medical Budget 31 March 2016 Actual Variance (over)/under Annual Budget 2016/17   £000 GMS Contracts 8,342 8,344 (2) 8,735 PMS & APMS Contracts 9,284 9,247 37 9,559 QoF 2,336 2,362 DESs 1,426 1,376 50 1,510 Premises 3,377 3,383 (6) 3,661 PCO 1,453 1,345 108 1,526 Contingency 132 85 47 139 Headroom 263 278 Total 26,613 26,116 497 27,770