Student Blogging
What is Kidblog? Kidblog is a blog that is used in the classroom. It is set up by teachers for students. It can help students discuss, create, debate and so much more.
It was created in 2007, by teachers for teachers and students. It is free. It is quick and easy to set up. Teachers have to approve posts and comments.
Why blog with Kidblog? It gives students a voice within the classroom environment. It allows students to enter into the process by creating their own avatar. It even allows parents to interact with the teacher from home. It is simple and ad free.
You can connect it to twitter
You can connect globally with other students
It can teach them to give constructive feedback
Students have to think more about what one should write in a comment or a post
1. Click Create Class
2. Sign up to KIdblog Create a display name Create a password Enter in your email details-can sign in with Google Apps Enter your class’ name. For example, ‘Ms. Troy’s Class’
3. Add Users Create account usernames for your students and passwords.
Use Kidblog for: To create class discussions Learn digital citizenship Practicing writing skills Create an e-portfolio Weekly challenges Reflect on learning Parent communication Homework Videos