The North West End of Life Care Model


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Presentation transcript:

The North West End of Life Care Model 1. A d v a n c i ng disea s e t m fr o f ne ye r or ore E x amp l e of pr ce r q u ed - he p son ac d on su e ca g G al P actiti ( ) pr e/ca h on sh . 2. I reasing li ox ate y hs DS 1 5 00 b ili w of , oriti C are PPC ) ce C e P an ACP n p ace or co ui ng hc di ass ss 3. L st s of if ast ys es actice prim care m/ e h m co ni d o urs ces abo ho d be n by a do nd dr sc d ob d, a End of Life lan equivalent emen 4. Fi s a ft er ew pt cati n and h, ves be en rm a de nc D W P011 k ath d how o co act al d ecto s. 5. B erea eme ccess o ap t a d b ement s ces if