Kublai Khan October 18, 2017
Kublai Khan Bellwork Read the following poem and answer this question: Do you think the Chinese were happy to be ruled by the Mongols? Why or Why not? Provide textual evidence. “Be unread, To get ahead Be illiterate and benefit! Nowadays, to gain men’s praise just act inadequate Heaven won’t discriminate, Between the wicked and the great Nor have we ever had Rules to tell the good from the bad Men cheat the good, They scorn the poor…” --Qao Tienzi
Kublai Khan SOH Standard 7.24 – Describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan Objective – I can tell you how the Mongols conquered China Homework – Finish classwork
Notes While reading the sections, “Mongol Conquest of China”, “Mongols and Chinese”, and “Government and Religion” on pgs. 196-198, you will need to take Cornell Notes. Be sure to leave 5 spaces between each term. Term Notes Kublai Khan Government Religion Culture
Task Board Using your notes and pgs. 196-198, choose one of the task from the shape assigned to you. If it is not completed in class, then you must finish it for homework. Kublai Khan