Descriptive Research Archival Research
Types of Research Strategies Non-Experimental Strategies Descriptive Research Survey Research Archival Research Observational Research Correlation Research Experimental Research Quasi-Experimental Research
Archival Research An unobtrusive measure that relies on existing records
Content Analysis Where a researcher makes inferences based on specific characteristics objectively identified in messages
Back et al. (2010). “The Emotional Timeline of September 11, 2001, Psychological Science, 21(10), pp. 1417-1419.
Natural Treatments A naturally occurring event that has a significant impact on society at large on a particular members of society
Lasting Consequences of 9/11 Americans reduced air travel after 9/11
Lasting Consequences of 9/11 More Fatal Accidents
Archival Research Disadvantages Advantages Selective Deposit Selective Survival Errors Changes Advantages Unobtrusive Multi-method contribution of real world behavior
Selective Survival What happened… What was recorded…. REP GERALD SOLOMON: What did you say? You’re trying to shut me off? You better not do that, ma’am… Who do you think you are? What was recorded…. REP GERALD SOLOMON: I will say to the gentle lady from whom I have the greatest respect…
Archival Research Disadvantages Advantages Spurious Relationships Selective Deposit Selective Survival Errors Changes Spurious Relationships Advantages Unobtrusive Multi-method contribution of real world behavior