English Overview Crib Sheet (to be projected & stuck in books) English Overview Crib Sheet (to be projected & stuck in books) Date:_______________ Class: _______________ Praise – what’s going well: Eg: Excellent style, quality of writing, use of ambitious vocab, depth of analysis etc Missing/Incomplete Work: Identify areas of concern- although for specific students, rather than naming them you might use a code in their books where work has not been completed to your satisfaction for them to find and amend. e.g: LE= Low effort, NC= not complete Polaroid Moments: Nice opportunity to praise (and share) excellent work from specific class members. Eg: some excellent work from Martha in her homework on “Who really killed Romeo & Juliet?” What next? Should vary from class to class; you might encourage some DIRT work here, or perhaps spend some time focusing on how to restructure a PEA. Use the info gathered to inform your teaching. For students, you might offer questions here. Eg: Have you focused on language in your analysis? Have you considered context? etc Frequent misunderstandings: Areas that are commonplace among the class; e.g, repetition of unvaried points in PEA, lack of punctuation etc Other class specifics: Other areas that you want this class to remember/focus on Actions: SPaG Errors: e.g: Connectives/adverbs to start sentences need a comma after them; Sentence structures may need looking at for some; Use higher level punctuation like colons & semi-colons.