“Generation 2030” Nordic Programme for the 2030 Agenda
The Nordic Council of Ministers Intergovernmental Nordic cooperation since 1971 11 Councils Budget around DKK 923 million Three crosscutting strategies: Gender equality Children and youth Sustainable Development One of the oldest and most comprehensive regional collaborations in the world After WW2, small countries needed to work together Nordic Council (1952) – Inter-parliamentary forum Nordic Council of Ministers, NCM (1971) – Inter-governmental body Nordic Culture Fund set up in 1967 All three organisations share headquarter in Copenhagen, with Nordic institutions and offices around the countries and self-governing areas. NCM also have offices in the three Baltic states. 11 councils of ministers: - Cooperation (MR-SAM), the council with responsibility for coordination of Nordic collaboration. The strategic work with sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda is placed under this council, as well as the committee for children and youth (NORDBUK) - Worklife Sustainable growth, covering business, energy and regional policy Digitalisation Fisheries, aquaculture, farming, food and forestry Gender equality Culture Justice Environment and climate Education and research Economy and finance The Nordic countries have a strong tradition of working jointly on sustainable development. Nordic Strategy on Sustainable Development since around 2000. With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda the area received renewed attention within Nordic collaboration. Inclusive process to develop a Nordic programme for the 2030 Agenda: - Mapping: ”Sustainable Development Action – the Nordic Way” (Stockholm Environment Institute and Gaia consulting) - Dialogmeeting in Helsinki, november 2016, with participation from civil society, academia, private sector. - Youth meeting organised by NORDBUK, Copenhagen May - Hearing in civilsamfund, the Nordic Council og all minister councils within NCM
Bumps on the Road to 2030… As part of the preparations for the Generation 2030 programme, NCM commissioned the “Bumps on the Road to 2030 report” from Danish think-tank, Sustainia. Report based on the SDG Index and Bertlemans report from 2016 – compiling international data and comparisons. The Nordic countries are well on the way in global comparisons, however, still face a number of significant challenges in fully achieving the SDGs. The Generation 2030 programme puts thematic focus on sustainable consumption and production – connections to a wide range of the SDGs, especially SDG 12 NCM is already working extensively with the topic, especially within the environmental sector, but how can this be highlighted, strengthened and contribute to debate in the Nordic countries? In a 2030 Agenda perspective, it is important with a three dimensional focus on the topic: social, economical and environmental Engaging youth, civil society, researchers, private sectors in the topic Focus on communication, contribute to political discussion and society debate
Generation 2030 Overall objectives: Mainstreaming the 2030 Agenda in all sectors of the Nordic Council of Ministers Accelerate engagement, knowledge sharing and awareness about the 2030 Agenda in the Nordic region Focus on one of the biggest challenges for the Nordic region: Sustainable consumption and production Generation 2030 programme adopted by Nordic Ministers of Cooperation, September 2017. Programme periode 2017 – 2020, with budget of around DKK 13 million. The overall objectives of Generation 2030 is to: Ensure that the Nordic Council of Ministers contributes to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through political focus and relevant projects Contribute to engagement and knowledge sharing when it comes to the 2030 Agenda in the Nordics Highlight the work done by the Nordic Council of Ministers regarding the 2030 Agenda in the Nordics and internationally Engaging civil society, private sector, research networks and Nordic municipalities Sharing Nordic knowledge and best practice NCM shall work with the agenda as a whole, while simultaneously focusing on responsible consumption and production.
Involving Youth is key! Generation 2030 involves children and youth as agents of change Nomination of Youth representatives ReGeneration NORDBUK Grant Program Youth involvement is a crosscutting theme for the programme, taken into consideration in all projects funded within the programme Youth representatives: Key measure to strengthen youth involvement, is the nomination of two youth representatives to the expert group on sustainable development. The expert group guides the work with Generation 2030. The youth representatives are members of the group on equal standing as the national experts, however they do not represent their country but rather an overall Nordic youth perspective. The nomination process was carried out in collaboration with NORDBUK, NCM’s children and youth committee. Financial support for ReGeneration, for the summit in 2018, 2019 and 2020. Financial support to the NORDBUK grant program, in order to put extra emphasis on the 2030 Agenda. The program supports children and young people’s own projects and wants to strengthen their organization, influence and participation in political, cultural and social activities.
Other Generation 2030 activities 2018: SDG12 analysis (Call out now) Communication activities Mapping of Nordic municipalities (Nordregio) Pre-study on Science-Policy Panel (SDSN) Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption, Nordic Council (TBC) Close dialogue with the Nordic Global Compact Network Other ongoing activities of the Generation 2030 programme in 2018 (either led by, or funded by the Generation 2030 programme): SDG12 analysis to be launched at the High-Level Political Forum in July 2018. This will look at common Nordic challenges in the broad field of sustainable consumption and production, guiding the priorities on future projects in on this theme Municipality mapping, carried out by Nordregio, Nordic research institution based in Stockholm. The mapping will identify first movers among Nordic municipalities working systematic with implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and result in a catalogue of best practice examples. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN): pre-study for the potential of a Nordic Science-Policy Network on sustainable consumption and production. The pre-study will give an overview of strong Nordic research environments in the field and suggest how to establish an effective Science-policy panel, for putting the research into use. Support for a roundtable on sustainable consumption organized by the Nordic Council (NCMs sister organisation). NCM is working with the Nordic Council to ensure youth participation in the roundtable. - Furthermore, the Generation 2030 programme aims to involve the private sector, and NCM is in close dialogue with the Nordic Global Compact network. Companies have a crucial role to play in achieving the SDGs, especially when it comes to Goal 12.
Ambition for 2020 Successful mainstreaming of 2030 Agenda across all NCM activities Strengthened joint efforts on Sustainable Consumption and Production Contributed to broad engagement and debate in the Nordic Region The programme has carried out activities with strong youth involvement The programme period for the Generation 2030 programme runs until 2020. The programme document describes the desired impact of the programme to be achieved by 2020.
Thank you! Trine Schmidt Project Coordinator – Generation 2030 trsc@norden.org @trine_schmidt_ Business card
Links: Generation 2030 programme: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:norden:org:diva-5000 Sustainable Development Action – The Nordic Way: http://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:1092868 Bumps on the Road to 2030: http://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:1138263