First Flight: A Mother Hummingbird’s Story Daily Oral Language Week 4
Sentence 1 Abbreviate state names, titles, date words, and address words. uncle george has lived in texas florida alaska and maine. doctor fran blue 1365 green boulevard dillon lake wisconsin 12345
Sentence 2 Abbreviate state names, titles, date words, and address words. mom asked should I turn left onto hummingbird lane or flower point. ive saw hummingbirds in california north dakota and vermont
Sentence 3 Abbreviate state names, titles, date words, and address words. mister ziebold meticulously cleaned the birds mess. did you no asked missus plander that doctor stephans is an ornithologist
Sentence 4 Abbreviate state names, titles, date words, and address words. well shall we go to hawaii or north carolina for vacation because we all like to ski well go to colorado or utah instead
Sentence 5 there are many north american hummingbirds west of the mississippi. zen and ray has grown into beautiful adult black-chinned hummingbirds