- Telephone Relay Services – (becoming a thing of the past) Access relay: Dial 711 Deaf person types message using TTY Relay operator voices typed info and types hearing callers response 1 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
2 Video Relay Interpreting Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
Braille Symbol This symbol indicates that printed material is available in Braille, including exhibition labeling, publications and signage. 3 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
4 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
5 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
6 Manual Alphabet Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
7 Print On Palm Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
Print on Palm 8 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
9 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
Close vision – restricted field: Keep signs in box near mouth area Tracking Tactile – one or two hand 10 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
11 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
Tadoma 12 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
13 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
Doorbell or Knock on Door: 1.Can you hear a knock on the door/or doorbell ring? 2.With/without hearing aid. 3.If you are not in the same room as the bell/door? Smoke alarm/Carbon Monoxide: 1.Do you have a smoke /carbon monoxide detector? 2.Do you change the battery every 6 months? 3.Can you hear it when it is activated? 4.Can you hear it without hearing aid? 5. Can you hear it if you are not in the same room with it? Telephone: 1.Can you hear it ring if not same room with it? 2.If you do not have hearing aid on? 3.Can you understand most speech over the phone? 4.Do you hear better in the high or low frequencies? Alerting Devices Questions to consider:
15 Can you hear your alarm clock; stove timer; microwave beep? Can you read captioning on the TV? Can you understand most speech on the television/ radio? Can you understand speech in a crowd; noisy environment? (restaurant; mall; traffic) Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
16 Portable Smoke Alarm Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
17 Westminster Chimes 8-note chime Volume control Flashing Light Additional outlet for lamp/vibrator Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
18 Ring max Amplified telephone ringer and tone control. Choose from four frequencies and volume Control up to 95dB: four ring pattern variations. Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
Visual & Tactile Alerts for people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind. fire, telephone; doorbell, other sounds 19 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
20 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
21 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
Alarm Clock-Vibrating Bed 22 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
Reizen Braille Quartz Alarm Clock with Vibrator Combo Brailled numbers on face for tactile reading of time. Glow-in-the-dark hands and extra illumination at the press of a button. Alarm function - easy-to-set, easy- to-stop HEARMORE.com Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
Marking Stove 24 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
25 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
26 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
27 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
The PenFriend Audio Labeler enables the user to record their own labels for items around the house, school, or work, in order to help identify items wherever one goes, or to leave audio messages for other people in the house. Use the PenFriend Audio Labeler as an MP3 player, as well. The labels can have new messages recorded for them as many times as is needed. $ 200. ish PenFriend Audio Labeler 28 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
Color Contrast 29 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry
Liquid Level Indicators Vibrates and emits a sound when cup or glass is full 30 Illinois Dept. on Aging April 22, 2014 Helen Keller National Center-Paige Berry