Did dolomite influence the location of these foreland thrust faults? Role of dolomite in the development of weak fault zones Wells, R.K., Newman, J., and Wojtal, S. The shale-rich Rome Formation can be traced along dip and strike of several foreland thrust faults. Woodward et al., 1988 A dolomite bed in the Rome occurs near/adjacent to foreland thrusts. Did dolomite influence the location of these foreland thrust faults?
Copper Creek thrust fault Shale & Limestone Dolomite Shale & Limestone Deformation within Calcite Veins Evidence for plasticity-induced fracturing Evidence for diffusion creep Hypothesis: Stress concentration at dolomite contact results in fracturing and vein formation. Deformation localizes within veins. Dolomite controlled the location of foreland thrust faults in the southern Appalachians.