Philosophy Test #1 Revision Let the games begin...
Identify the following: Your room is messy The shape of the earth is close to the shape of a sphere The moon is made of cheese The number 5 is a prime number Capital punishment is never justified STATEMENTS/PROPOSITIONS which are...
Argument Break the following statement into its parts Capital punishment should not be used because wrongly convicted people will be executed by mistake and this is unacceptable. P1 – If cp used, then wrongly convicted people will be executed by mistake P2 – The execution of wrongly convicted people is totally unacceptable C – Capital punishment should not be used.
Most common premise-indicators since Because Given than Assuming that Inasmuch as For the reason that
Most common conclusion indicators Therefore Hence Thus So Consequently It follows that We may infer that We may conclude that
Examples of Arguments? If it’s been raining then the ground would be wet. It has been raining. Thus, the ground is wet. P P C John must be a liberal. Anyone who protested the Gulf War must be a liberal and John was a protester of that war. C P P
I was late to class because I couldn’t find a parking space. President Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He also pushed through his tax cuts to reward his wealthy supporters.
Deductive Arguments Usually in the form of a SYLLOGISM – 3 lines P1 – All men are mortal. P2 – Socrates is a man. C - Socrates is mortal. P1 – A stone is a substance. P2 – You are a substance. C – You are a stone.
Inductive Arguments Conclusion probably true, given that premise is true. In a survey of all 983 students at Spencer H.S., approximately 95 percent responded that they believe in the existence of an absolute spirit. Graydon is a student at Spencer H.S. Graydon believes in the existance of a absolute spirit.