MUSCULAR SYSTEM Part 5: Diseases & Disorders of the Muscular System
‚ Cramps/ Spasms ‚ Tendonitis DISEASES & DISORDERS ‚ Strains ‚ Myasthenia gravis ‚ Dermatomyositis ‚ Muscular dystrophy ‚ Duchenne Muscular ‚ Sprains ‚ Cramps/ Spasms ‚ Tendonitis Dystrophy ‚ Plantar fasciitis ‚ Carpal tunnel ‚ Becker Muscular Dystrophy syndrome ‚ Fibromyalgia ‚ Rhabdomyolysis ‚ Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
MUSCLE STRAINS ‚ Are moderate amounts of so tissue damage to muscle fibers tha ccu when a ligament or joint capsule becomes stretched beyond its elasti limits ‚ They are usually caused by sudden, strenuous movements or trauma ‚ Symptoms include: pain, swelling, and bruising ‚ Muscl damage can be in the form of tearing the muscle fibers and the tendons partially or fully ‚ Three grades of sprain severity: I, II, & III
GRADES OF MUSCLE SPRAINS ‚ Grade : is mild with an overstretching or slight tearing of the ligaments with no join instability Perso is able to put weight on it ‚ Grade : is moderate with partial tearing of the ligament and characterized by bruising, moderate pain an swelling Perso has some difficulty putting weight on it and some joint function is loss ‚ Grade I : severe sprain results in a complete tear or rupture of a ligament. Pain, swelling, and bruising are usually severe, unable to put weight o joint Require immobilization and possible surgery
MUSCLE CRAMPS/SPASMS ‚ Spontaneous, involuntary contraction of skeletal muscle ‚ Occurs right after an injury ‚ Can be painful
TENDINITIS ‚ I an inflammation or irritation of a tendon ‚ It is most often caused by repetitive, minor impact on the affect area or from a sudden injury ‚ Risk factors include: incorrect posture, poor stretching before activity, abnormal or poorly placed bone or joint, RA, gout, & thyroid disorders ‚ Most common in adults ‚ Most common locations affected are the base of the thumb, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee & Achilles tendon
PLANTAR FASCIITIS ‚ Is a painful inflammatory process of the plantar fascia ‚ Th plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of tissue originating on the bottom surface of the calcaneus (heel bone) and extending along the sole of the foot towards the five toes ‚ It occurs in two million Americans a year and 10% of the population over a lifetime ‚ It is commonly associated with long periods of wor related weight bearing, and obesity ‚ Symptoms include pain felt on the underside of the heel, difficulty bending the foot and increased probability of knee pains
CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME ‚ It is a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed at the wrist ‚ Leads t paresthesia , numbness and muscle weakness in the hand ‚ Also known a median neuropath at the wrist ‚ Most cases of CTS are idiopathic (without known cause), genetic factors determine most of the risk, and the role of arm use and other environmental factors are disputed
COMPARTMENT SYNDROME ‚ ccurs when too much pressure builds up in and around the muscles ‚ It can result from crushing injuries, extended pressure on a blood vessel, swelling inside a cast or complications from surgery ‚ Symptoms include severe pain, a feeling of fullness or tightness in the muscle and a tingling sensation ‚ Numbness indicates cellular death and it may be difficult to restore full function once it reaches that point ‚ Surgery to relieve the pressure is usually required
FIBROMYALGIA--FMS ‚ Is a disorder classified by the presence of chronic widespread pain and a heightened and painful response to gentle touch … Known a tactile allodynia ‚ Other core features of the disorder include debilitating fatigue, sleep disturbance, and joint stiffness ‚ Caus is unknown though it is suspected that its origins ar genetic ‚ Treatments are limited to pain relievers and Lyrica
MYASTHENIA GRAVIS ‚ Literally means "serious muscle-weakness ‚ Is a neuromuscular disease leading to fluctuating muscle weakness and fatigability ‚ It is also an autoimmune disorder … in which weakness is caused by circulating antibodies that block acetylcholine receptors at the post-synaptic neuromuscular junction, inhibiting the simulative effect of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine ‚ It is treated medically with cholinesterase inhibitors or immunosuppressants, and, in selected cases, a thymectomy. ‚ 200-400 cases per million it is one of the least common autoimmune disorders
DERMATOMYOSITIS ‚ This uncommon autoimmune disease causes muscle weakness accompanied by a skin rash ‚ It can affect anyone but is most commonly seen in adults ages 40 to 60 and children ages five to 15 ‚ Symptoms include a light purple or red rash on the face, hands, knees, chest and back and progressive muscle weakness ‚ It may also cause difficulty swallowing, muscle pain, ulcers, fever, fatigue and weight loss ‚ Doctors are uncertain of the cause but believe it may be genetic ‚ Treatment includes pain management, corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs.
MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ‚ Is a group of muscular disorders in which there is considerable muscle degeneration and weakness ‚ It is an inherited sex-linked trait that is predominant in males ‚ There are 7 different forms of MD ‚ The two most well-known forms are Duchenne and Becker MD ‚ There is no cure for this spectrum of disorders
DUCHENNE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ‚ Is the most severe form of muscular dystrophy ‚ Is caused by a problem with the gene that makes a protein called dystrophin … This protein helps muscle cells keep their shape and strength ‚ Symptoms usually start between ages 2 and 6 ‚ By age 10 or 12, kids with DMD often need to use a wheelchair ‚ They can also develop scoliosis and tightness in their joints ‚ Over time a person might need a ventilator to breathe ‚ People with DMD usually do not survive beyond their late teens or early adulthood
BECKER MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ‚ Is very similar to DMD in that it affects boys ‚ Its symptoms may start later and can be less severe ‚ With BMD, symptoms like muscle breakdown and weakness sometimes don't begin until age 10 or even in adulthood ‚ People with BMD can also have breathing, heart, bone, muscle, and joint problems ‚ Many people with BMD can live long, active lives without using a wheelchair
RHABDOMYOLYSIS ‚ Is the rapid breakdown (lysis) of skeletal muscle due to injury to muscle tissue ‚ The muscle damage may be caused by physical, chemical, or biological factors. ‚ Rhabdomyolysis damages both the muscles and the kidneys by causing the muscle fibers to breakdown and be released into the blood stream ‚ The fibers erode into a substance called myoglobin, which blocks the kidney structures and can lead to kidney failure ‚ Alcoholism, heatstroke, cocaine and heroin overdoses, seizures and severe exertion are possible causes ‚ Signs of rhabdomyolysis include weakness, muscle stiffness and pain, joint pain and weight gain.
FIBRODYSPLASIA OSSIFICANS PROGRESSIVA ‚ Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) is a rare congenital disease that affects approximately one in two million people worldwide ‚ It causes muscles, tendons and ligaments to be replaced with bone tissue ‚ Since it is a congenital disease, it begins before birth but is generally diagnosed in childhood ‚ The earliest sign is malformed big toes at birth ‚ There are no effective treatments for FOP. Medication is usually given to treat the pain associated with the new bone formation.