Population Aging in Hong Kong: Opportunities and Challenges Terry Lum Director, Sau Po Centre on Ageing Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration The University of Hong Kong
Aging Quiz True or false: The 2011 Census found that 20% of HK residents were 65 years or older? Most elderly people are either living alone or with spouse only? Most older people in HK are poor? 4% of elderly people in HK were living in nursing home?
Is population aging a problem? Myth: Population aging is a social problem…. The truth is…...population aging is not a problem. The problem is, the way we structure our society cannot adequately respond to the changing population dynamics
The population is aging According to the 2011 Census, 13.3% of HK residents (941,312 people) were 65 years or older The median age was 41.7 The oldest old is the fastest growing subgroup, increased by 103% between 2001-2011 2001 % 2011 Dif2011-2001 Soon to be old 502,042 7.5% 922,635 13.8% 420,593 83.8% Young old 458,254 6.8% 464,740 6.9% 6,486 1.4% Old-Old 227,071 3.4% 351,233 5.2% 124,162 54.7% Oldest-Old 61,727 0.9% 125,339 1.9% 63,612 103.1% Total60+ 1,000,849 14.9% 1,350,878 19.1% 350,029 35.0% Total65+ 747,052 11.1% 941,312 13.3% 194,260 26.0% Total pop 6,708,389 100.0% 7,071,576 363,187 5.4%
Population Aging in HK Source: Hong Kong Population Projections 2008-2036: Census and Statistics Department, The Government of the HKSAR
Family support is strong. 57% - 62% were living with family 14% - 26% were living with spouse 11% - 19% were living alone Spouse Family member Living alone Non-family member Total 55-65 147,231 16% 673,337 75% 68,308 8% 5,617 1% 894,493 Young old 15,315 26% 276,215 62% 50,070 11% 3,066 444,666 Old old 79,821 25% 183,042 57% 51,369 7,629 2% 321,861 Oldest Old 13,603 14% 56,133 60% 17,937 19% 6,483 7% 94,156
Many were not born in HK Most older people are immigrants and refugees Immigrant community: Self reliance Don’t trust the government Limited assets / economic resources Limited social support Born HK % Born China Born other 55-64 479,704 52% 402,341 44% 40,590 4% 922,635 Young old 114,587 25% 323,376 70% 26,777 6% 464,740 Old-Old 74,555 21% 266,894 76% 9,784 3% 351,233 Oldest-Old 24,927 20% 98,121 78% 2,291 2% 125,339
Many had no formal education 74% of the oldest old had no formal education Among the young old, 64% had primary school or below education No formal Education % Primary School Secondary Post-secondary Total 55-64 202,266 22% 270,998 29% 345,084 37% 104,287 11% 922,635 Young old 179,644 39% 114,122 25% 122,212 26% 48,762 10% 464,740 Old old 223,643 64% 64,625 18% 44,743 13% 18,222 5% 351,233 Oldest old 92,351 74% 18,151 14% 11,609 9% 3,228 3% 125,339
Elderly poverty rate is high 17.3% of all 65 years or older were receiving CSSA in 2010 14.3% of all 60 years or older
Too many are in nursing homes Institutionalization rate # bed / 1000 elderly people Hong Kong 6.8% (2009) 66.7 China 1.0% (2008) 8.4 Taiwan 2.0% (2009) 27.0 Japan 3.0% (2006) 26.3 Singapore 2.3% (2006) 28.6 Australia 5.4% (2006) 58.8 UK 4.2% (2004) 18.2 USA 3.9%(2004) 43.5 Sources: The University of Hong Kong
Challenges No comprehensive social security system (income protection after retirement) Housing & city designs – not able to meet the needs of the older population Imbalance in the LTC system
Opportunities Current elderly vs. soon to be old Productive aging Silver hair market Civic engagement of older people