AE Vocabulary- Ways of Writing Graph & Gram Scrip & Scrib “to write”
scripture noun the sacred writings of a religion
calligraphy noun artistic handwriting
conscript verb to force into service or labor for the government
epigram noun a short, clever poem or saying
geography noun physical features of a region; science dealing with the earth’s surface
graphic noun Computer-generated image; picture, map or graph used for illustration
graphite noun a soft, black form of carbon used in pencils
graphology noun the study of handwriting especially as a clue to a person’s character/personality
hologram noun a 3-D picture created using photography
inscription noun something that is written or engraved, especially on a solid surface
manuscript noun a written document; writing as opposed to printing
anagram noun A word or phrase formed from rearranging letters from another Rebate and Beater, Stop and Pots, Listen and Silent, Teacher and Cheater
prescription Noun Written directions for the preparation or use of medications
cardiogram noun Record of the heart’s muscle activity
transcript noun a written or typed copy of a document or speech