Phrases Review Quiz Friday, March 2nd
Phrases Review - definitions Phrase consisting of a preposition, its object, and any modifiers of the object. Word that modifies a verb. A noun phrase made of a noun or pronoun that renames a word that precedes it. Word that is a person, place, thing, or idea. Word that modifies a noun.
Phrases Review - definitions Form of a verb that acts like an noun. Usually ends in –ing. Form of a verb that acts like an adjective. Sometimes ends in –ing. Verb form that can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Most begin with “to” Word that is used to describe an action, state, or occurrence.
Appositive Jerry, my best friend, went and bought us coffee.
Gerund Cooking is her favorite thing to do on Saturdays.
Participle The rusted shovel sat in my dad’s garage.
Infinitive To win was her ultimate goal. She read to answer the questions. The cat to pet is Rajah.
Prepositional The book fell into the well. The girl sat on the wall.