Enhanced Dependency Jiajie Yu Wentao Ding
Enhancements for shallow natural language understanding tasks Null nodes for elided predicates Propagation of conjuncts Additional subject relations for control and raising constructions Coreference in relative clause constructions Modifier labels that contain the preposition or other case-marking information http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2016/pdf/779_Paper.pdf
Enhancements for shallow natural language understanding tasks Null nodes for elided predicates Propagation of conjuncts Additional subject relations for control and raising constructions
Enhancements for shallow natural language understanding tasks Coreference in relative clause constructions Modifier labels that contain the preposition or other case-marking information Partitives and light noun constructions Partitive: [DP Det. + of + [DP Det. + NP]] quantificational determiners
Some NLP papers related to Noun Phrase Interpretation published in ACL/EMNLP/NAACL
Some Related Papers Syntactic Parsing of Web Queries (EMNLP 16) Xiangyan Sun; Haixun Wang; Yanghua Xiao; Zhongyuan Wang Equation Parsing : Mapping Sentences to Grounded Equations (EMNLP 16) Subhro Roy; Shyam Upadhyay; Dan Roth Fine-Grained IsA Extraction via Modifier Composition (ACL 17) Ellie Pavlick; Marius Pasca Interpreting Noun Compounds using Paraphrases in a Neural Model. (NAACL 18) Vered Shwartz; Chris Waterson
Syntactic Parsing of Web Queries create a web query treebank by projecting dependency from clicked sentences to queries.
Case Study
EQUATION PARSING : Mapping Sentences to Grounded Equations
Triggers & Equation Tree Syntax
Fine-Grained IsA Extraction via Modifier Composition Populating fine-grained classes with instances Related Work: Noun Phrase Interpretation Compound noun phrases (“jazz musician”) communicate implicit semantic relations between modifiers and the head. Recently, interpretations may take the form of arbitrary natural language predicates They focus exclusively on providing good paraphrases for an input noun compound.
Modifiers as Functions Let 𝑀𝐻 be a class label consisting of a head 𝐻, which assumed to be a common noun, preceded by a modifier 𝑀. The interpretation of a common noun is the set of entities in the universe 𝑈. Two stages Interpreting each modifier relative to the head Using the interpretations to identify instances of the class from text
Learning Modifier Interpretations Input Is-A repository 𝑂 & Fact repository 𝐷 (spo+w) Is-A repository: Hearst pattern Fact repository: facts extracted from ReVerb & OLLIE Building property profiles Expand adjectival by WordNet Compute cosine similarity by VSM
Class-Instance Identification Member of 𝑀𝐻 Member of class 𝐶= 𝑀 1 … 𝑀 𝑘 𝐻 Weakly Supervised Reranking logistic regression Positive: instance in 𝑂; Negative: random extracted pairs
Evaluation Dataset: Wikipedia category pages removing those in which the last word is capitalized or which contain fewer than three words remove any titles that contain links to sub-categories. This is to favor fine-grained classes 17 instances in average 19 instances in average
Interpreting Noun Compounds using Paraphrases in a Neural Model
Model & Evaluation