+ many slides from various colleagues (KH, Rudiger, Paul, …) Introduction to electrical circuits terminology and machine sectorisation M.Zerlauth, CO-MI + many slides from various colleagues (KH, Rudiger, Paul, …)
Outline Yesterdays presentation of KH Dangers in electrical circuits Stored energies Quenches Components of electrical circuits Machine sectorisation and naming conventions Basics Electrical Circuits The concept of Powering Subsectors Electrical Circuit terminology and concepts Naming conventions Electrical Circuit components Circuit Types LHC Layout Database 2
Machine Sectorisation and naming conventions
LHC Powering in 8 Sectors For superconducting magnets, no DC powering across IPs Commissioning possible for each sector, independent of other sectors Main DC power feed at even points (MB, MQ) Some DC power feed at odd points Total of 1716 electrical circuits with >10.000 sc and nc magnets in LHC 5 4 6 DC Power feed Octant 3 DC Power 7 arc cryostat LHC Sector 2 8 Sector 1 P.Proudlock
Sector vs Octant vs electrical ‘half’-cells
The FODO Cell = 1 ‘electrical cell’
Corrector Magnet Circuits
Standard FODO cell = 2 electrical ‘half’-cell
Electrical half-cells - Electrical Circuits & connections To be found on CDD: LHC_LSD% + Layout Database Line N Main Busbars + Spool-pieces
Circuits and DFBs
Naming Convention =f (position) Examples: MB.A10R1 = Magnet of type MB, first instance in half-cell 10 right of point 1 (B1 & B2) MCO.15R1.B1= Magnet of type MCO, only instance in half-cell 15R1, acting on B1 only Examples: RB.A78 = Electrical Circuit connecting all magnets of type MB in the arc 78 RQS.L8B1 = Electrical circuit connecting a magnet/ magnets, left of 8 and acting on Beam 1 LHC Home – Naming Conventions: http://edms.cern.ch/cedar/plsql/navigation.tree?p_top_id=1894086584&p_top_type=P&p_open_id=1894086584&p_open_type=P
LHC Layout DB: http://layout.web.cern.ch/layout/
Sectorisation across systems Different sectorisation chosen by different systems, as the machine can be seen from different angles (mechanical, beam physics, electrical powering, cryogenics, vacuum…) Most important configuration for magnet powering (and current HWC) is the POWERING SUBSECTOR LHC-D-ES-0002 v.1.0
Concept of Powering Subsectors 8 machine sectors are sub-divided into 28 powering subsectors 8 arc subsectors (A12, A23, … A78, A81) 8 triplets (XL1, XR1, XL2,…, XR8) 12 matching sections (LL1, ML2, MR2, …MR8) Powering Subsector are electrically isolated from each other Main motivation is independent powering
Cyostats in sector 7-8 Y.Muttoni IP7 UJ76 SD7 TZ76 RR77 RE78 RE82 RA83 Point 7 Ferney RE78 RE82 PM76 RA83 UJ83 UA83 5 cryostats - Q6 (DFBMH) A78 (DFBAN - DFBAO) Q5 (DFBMC) - Q4 /D2 (DFBMA) - XL8 (DFBXG) Point 8 Prevessin IP8 Y.Muttoni
Sector 7-8 and cryostats IR7 Insertion Cleaning IR8 Insertion LHCb Matching section Arc cryostat (3 km) Matching section Inner Triplet DFBMH DFBAN DFBAO DFBMC DFBMA DFBX Each cryostat has its own set of PC. Only the beam, the access, the vaccuum, and the cryogenics couple Each cryostat one PPC (arc needs two, because fed from both sides) PPC close to the PC view from inside LHC ring
Quadrupole Correctors Sector 7-8 and magnets IR7 Cleaning Matching section Arc cryostat (3 km) Matching section Inner Triplet IR8 LHCb DFBMH DFBAN DFBAO DFBMC DFBMA DFBX Quadrupole Correctors 154 Arc dipole magnets and correctors Short straight sections (Quadrupoles and correctors) Quadrupole Correctors Insertion dipoles IR Quadrupoles Correctors Each cryostat has its own set of PC. Only the beam, the access, the vaccuum, and the cryogenics couple Each cryostat one PPC (arc needs two, because fed from both sides) PPC close to the PC
Sector 7-8 and underground areas IR7 Cleaning Matching section Arc cryostat Matching section Inner Triplet IR8 LHCb DFBMH DFBAN DFBAO DFBMC DFBMA DFBX Each cryostat has its own set of PC. Only the beam, the access, the vaccuum, and the cryogenics couple Each cryostat one PPC (arc needs two, because fed from both sides) PPC close to the PC UJ76 RR77 UA83
Sector 7-8 and power converters IR7 Cleaning Matching section Arc cryostat Matching section Inner Triplet IR8 LHCb DFBMH DFBAN DFBAO DFBMC DFBMA DFBX Energy extraction Each cryostat has its own set of PC. Only the beam, the access, the vaccuum, and the cryogenics couple Each cryostat one PPC (arc needs two, because fed from both sides) PPC close to the PC UJ76 RR77 UA83 Power Converters and other equipment Power Converters and other equipment
Sector 7-8 and powering subsectors IR7 Cleaning Matching section Arc cryostat Matching section Inner Triplet IR8 LHCb DFBMH DFBAN DFBAO DFBMC DFBMA DFBX Each cryostat has its own set of PC. Only the beam, the access, the vaccuum, and the cryogenics couple Each cryostat one PPC (arc needs two, because fed from both sides) PPC close to the PC UJ76 RR77 UA83 Powering Subsector A78 34 electrical circuits Powering Subsector A78 43 electrical circuits Powering Subsector ML8 15 electrical circuits Powering Subsector XL8 14 electrical circuits Powering Subsectors: LHC-D-ES-0002 EDMS Document No. 361532
Electrical Circuits and Terminology
Normal-conducting circuits 40 nc circuits in the LHC, connecting some 144 magnets RD1.LR1, RD1.LR5 RQ4.LR3/7, RQ5.LR7, RCBWH/V in IR 3/7 RMSD in IR6… Mainly in cleaning insertions (IR3, IR7) and close to high luminosity experiments 8 additional powering subsectors ‘WLR1’, ‘WLR2’,… Warm Magnet Interlock Controller Power Converter Normal conducting cables Several thermo-switches @ 60°C Magnet 1 Magnet 2
Superconducting magnets / circuits 98% of circuits in the LHC are superconducting ~1680 circuits, connecting >10.000 magnets Various families f (energy, current, # magnets, location, …) Rated current range from 60A – 13kA Normal conducting cables Power Converter Superconducting Diode Energy Extraction Quench- Heater QPS HTS Current Leads Quench Signal Magnet 1 Magnet 2 sc busbar DFB
Power converters and water cooled cables Water cooled cables 12 kA Power converter 6 kA
DFBs with current leads - feeding current from warm to cold http://hcc.web.cern.ch/hcc/cryogenics/cryo_dfbs.php DFB and current leads
Cryogenic Feed Box with HTc Current Leads
Cryogenic Connection
Installation of the Cryogenic Transfer Line
(13kA for 8RB, 24 RQD/F circuits) 202 DQEMC systems (600A circuits) Energy extraction resistors MB Energy extraction switch house 12 kA 32 DQR/DQS systems (13kA for 8RB, 24 RQD/F circuits) 202 DQEMC systems (600A circuits) Energy extraction switch 12 kA Diode for 12 kA
The LHC Magnet Zoo
Superconducting Magnet Units Not quite up to date…
Magnet inventory 1232 main dipole magnets powered in series with the same strength to make it around the LHC 752 orbit corrector magnets powered individually to ensure that the beam follows the design orbit (within about 0.5 mm), Focusing and defocusing quadrupole magnets powered in series to keep beam size limited Lattice sextupole magnets powered in series to correct the trajectories for off-energy particles, Multipole-corrector magnets (sextupoles, decapoles, octupoles, ...) to correct field imperfections, to suppress instabilities, etc., powered in series Corrector magnets to adjust essential beam parameters (quadrupoles) Insertion dipole and quadrupole magnets to ensure beam crossing / increase the interbeam distance / focus beams for experiments etc. http://edms.cern.ch/cedar/plsql/navigation.tree?top=1459088716 32
Circuit Types defined for HWC and operation 60A (752 orbit corrector circuits) 80-120A (LSS and DS orbit correctors) 600A EE (600A correctors with Energy Extraction System) 600A no EE (600A correctors without Energy Extraction) 600A no EE crowbar (600A correctors without EE, but additional crowbar) IPQ (Individually powered quads, Q4-Q10) IPD (Separation and re-combination dipoles) IT (Main Inner Triplet Circuits) Main Dipole and Quadrupoles
QPS Types QPS classification as function of # magnets in circuit (stored energy) Extraction system Parallel protection (diode or resistor) Quench heaters
Types of electrical circuits A: main dipoles (8), main quadrupoles (16), triplet quadrupoles (8) extraction of the energy stored in the magnets when requested by the Power Converter in case of failure is performed by the QPS B: magnets equipped with QPS B2: insertion quadrupoles using MQM / MQY (3.9kA – 5.8kA) B1: insertion dipoles (4.6kA-6.2kA) and most 600A corrector magnets extraction of the energy stored in the magnets not required in case of Power Converter failure B1: electrical circuits with one Power Converter B2: electrical circuits with two Power Converters C: dipole corrector magnets in the insertions and other circuits with corrector magnets with little stored energy (60A, 80A and 120A) connection to Powering Interlock Controller D: orbit dipole corrector magnets in the arcs (60A) no connection to Powering Interlock Controller
Physical installations in RR77 Powering Interlock System QPS 600A protection unit 600A EE system 600A converter
Physical installations in RR77 Patch Panels Industrial Controller
Conditions for powering Cryogenics: Magnet and current leads must be at correct temperature Safety systems: must be ready (AUG – arret urgence general, UPS – uninterruptible power supplies, …) Power converter: must be ready (including cooling water etc.) Quench protection system: must be ready (quench heaters charged, extraction switch closed) Power converters Operator / Controls: must give permission to power Powering Interlock Controller (PIC) Energy extraction Warming up of the magnet due to failure in the cryogenic system Warming up of the magnet due to quench in an adjacent magnet AUG or UPS fault Power converter failure Quench in a magnet inside the electrical circuit
Layout DB All this can also be found and browsed in detail in the LHC Layout DB: http://layout.web.cern.ch/layout/ 40
Thanks a lot for your attention Questions? 41