Key figures in Psychology
Wilhelm Wundt Father of Psychology Developed introspection theory -looking inside oneself and describing what is going on. Used extensively in clinical psychology.
William James One of founding American Psychologists. He believed in approaching psychology in a manner described as functionalism –how the mind functions rather than what the mind is on. He also developed the idea of pragmatism –the idea that if an idea works, it is valid or useful.
Sigmund Freud Psychologist committed to: How the unconscious affects the development of personality. How childhood experiences shape adult behavior Developed the technique of free association –saying what comes into your mind. Advocated psychoanalysis –treatment for mental illness that emphasizes unconscious emotions and conflicts.
Carl Jung Friend of Sigmund Freud that suggested that the unconscious is influenced by beliefs that we inherit-ideas that are part of every civilization. He called these beliefs the collective unconscious.