FPLC gel‐filtration analysis of RepA–WT and ΔN37. FPLC gel‐filtration analysis of RepA–WT and ΔN37. Protein samples in storage buffer were run at 0.4 ml/min through a Superose‐12 HR‐10/30 column at room temperature. Elution profiles were obtained monitoring A280 of the eluate. Insets to the panels indicate the sample identity, the concentration at injection and the species assigned to the observed peaks: monomers (wide and irregular), dimers (narrow and sharp) or larger aggregates. The estimated Rs and a cartoon with the proposed shapes (compact and spherical versus flexible and extended) for the proteins in the main peaks are also shown (colour coding for the domains is as in Figure 9). Rafael Giraldo et al. EMBO J. 1998;17:4511-4526 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend