EU Biodiversity Strategy in context


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Presentation transcript:

EU Biodiversity Strategy in context 2nd meeting on GES Descriptor 3+, Brussels, 9-10 April 2013 Matthias Leonhard Maier ENV.B2 – Biodiversity

European context Failure to reach target of halting BD loss by 2010  2010 biodiversity baseline (EEA) Diagnosis: failure also due to insufficient cross-sectoral integration European Council: new 2020 headline target Halting BD loss and ecosystem-service degradation in the EU Restoring them „in so far as feasible“ Stepping up EU contribution to averting global BD loss The 2020 target is more ambitious than the 2010 target in that it not only stresses the need to halt biodiversity loss but also highlights the value of ecosystem services, the need to restore them, and the EU's contribution to global biodiversity.

Global context CBD COP10, Nagoya, 2010 Follow-up Strategic Plan 2011-2020 + Aichi Targets T6: Sustainable fishing T11: Protected areas (10% coastal/marine) Parties to update national BD strategies, action plans (NBSAPs) Follow-up Parties‘ 5th national report, March 2014 Mid-term review, COP12, October 2014

EU Biodiversity Strategy: status and follow-up Commission Communication – not legally binding but politically endorsed Council (Environment), June 2011 European Parliament, April 2012 Building on existing EU law Environment: Natura 2000, MSFD, WFD, ... Other sectoral policies, incl. CFP Mid-term review, early 2014

Relevant non-fisheries targets and actions T1: Full implementation of Birds, Habitats Dir. A1: Complete N2K network, ensure good mgmt. T2: Maintain, enhance ecosystems + services A5: Mapping and assessment (MAES) 1st round of MS-level MAES by 2014 Assessing economic value, integrating into accounting/reporting by 2020 A6: Restoration; green infrastructure Strategic framework for ecosystem-restoration priorities by 2014 Green infrastructure strategy (forthcoming) T5: Invasive alien species A16: Commission legislative proposal (forthcoming)

Target 4: sustainable fisheries Achieve MSY by 2015. Achieve a population age and size distribution indicative of a healthy stock, through fisheries management with no significant adverse impacts on other stocks, species and ecosystems, in support of achieving GES by 2020.

Actions related to Target 4 A13: Improve management of fished stocks Maintain, restore stocks to MSY levels Long-term management plans with harvest control rules based on MSY approach Step up data collection; incorporate ecological considerations in MSY by 2020 A14: Eliminate adverse impacts on fish stocks, species, habitats and ecosystems Eliminate discards, avoid bycatch, preserve VMEs Implement MSFD, incl. through funds for MPAs

Common implementation framework Overall guidance: BD/Nature Directors (MS + EC) Joint meeting with Water/Marine Directors (Lithuania, December 2013) Operational steering: Coordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature – CGBN Target-specific working groups New WGs – e.g. T2: MAES, GI/restoration, ... T4: mainly relying on WG GES

Areas, activities of common interest to BD Strategy, MSFD, N2K (1) Assessment, monitoring Streamlining and harmonisation of reporting under MSFD and Birds, Habitat Directives MAES marine: pilot (FR-JRC), workshop (19/6) Updating biodiversity indicators (EEA/ETC-BD) Fisheries management CFP reform; EMFF 2014-2020 Integrating ecosystem considerations (incl. into scientific advice) Action plan seabird bycatch

Areas, activities of common interest to BD Strategy, MSFD, N2K (2) Protected areas, conservation measures Adequate designation and management of marine N2K sites and other MPAs CBD EBSA process, incl. NE-Atlantic