National Monitoring Steering Committee Report Gordon Pierce WESTAR Spring Business Meeting San Francisco, CA May 22, 2013
Funding Sequester will have impacts No Community-Scale grants planned for this year Funds pulled for near-road NO2 NATTS funding will continue at same level No funding for NOx/SOx secondary NAAQS pilot studies Concerns from states on grant process and the length of time that actually have to spend funds, especially when funds are late in being transmitted
Community/Citizen Monitoring 2nd workshop held at RTP in March 2013 Lot of new technologies upcoming Small Easy to use Some have good accuracy/quality Data readily available via internet Need better coordination on sensor apps Need better communication with communities Desire to develop a resource webpage as a clearinghouse for sensors, technologies, specs/performance, sampling info, FAQs, data, etc.
Future of CSN and IMPROVE PM2.5 Speciation and IMPROVE networks not sustainable with current funding and increasing lab costs Number of conference calls with IMPROVE on possible cuts…some made already…more to come? With CSN: EPA is doing some assessments on data and networks Looking at sampler upgrades to reduce personnel costs Looking at lab cost options
PAMS Re-engineering EPA still looking at changing the PAMS network Reduce number of sites Add PAMS in ozone non-attainment areas 26 “Required” sites O3, NOx, VOC’s (via Auto-GC for 27+ compounds) Upper air met? Some “flexible/secondary” sites O3, NOx Auto-GC shootout will occur Data analysis work, including updating tools Propose changes with upcoming ozone NAAQS
National Air Toxics Trends Stations First multi-year assessment report released 2005-2007 vs. 2008-2010 Next one in 2013 Overall, a decreasing trend for a number of air toxics Data very useful for NATA modeling validation, trends and health risk benchmarks NATTS Technical Assistance Document needs revision, but is a big task Some Data Quality Objectives need to be adjusted Cr+6 will be dropped as a core compound
CASTNET All 2012 PE audits were performed TSAs performed for both lab and field operations All ozone analyzers are “regulatory” Since 2011 All data going into AQS Can/will be used for designations EPA starting monthly calls with Regional Offices Need to include states Need to improve communications in general EPA will start informing states of high ozone values on CASTNET monitors
Airport Pb 19 airports with > 0.5 TPY estimated Pb emissions Most monitoring shows low concentrations 4 have values > 50% of the NAAQS (all in CA) 2 of the 4 exceed the NAAQS Endangerment findings likely Monitoring has been problematic as: Can’t get a good max concentration location Questions on what is ambient air…runway vs. fenceline Many sites likely to close as meet the NAAQS
Next MSC meeting June 19-20, 2013 in Vermont Questions?