European Social Partners Integrated Programmes What opportunities for your social dialogue? ITC Turin Brussels 6 May 2010
IP Background WP 2003- 2005 WP 2006- 2008 WP 2009- 2010 IP 2003-2004 EU SPs Work Programmes Integrated Programmes Target Area of work & results WP 2003- 2005 IP 2003-2004 New Member States Capacity building SD seminars 24 joint national seminars 3 EU stock taking conferences +/- 1.000 SPs 24 seminar reports, 3 progress reports Resource Centres 2 websites Translation Fund Translation of over 50 EU SD texts Training & Mentoring Restructuring 26 joint national seminars +/- 800 SPs 26 studies on restructuring, 3 progress reports EU27 + HR, TR IP 2004- 2006 WP 2006- 2008 IP 2006-2008 WP 2009- 2010 IP 2008-2010 EU27 + HR, TR, EEA* IP 2009-2011 2
Capacity Building joint Project “Social partners’ participation in the European social dialogue: what are social partners’ needs?” Background: Joint Work Programmes of the EU Social Partners (2003 – 2005/ 2006 – 2008/ 2009 – 2010) Follow up phase to previous Integrated Programmes Understand key challenges facing Social Partners and improve functioning of EU social dialogue Objectives: Fostering the development of strong and autonomous Social Partners in new Member States and candidate countries, capable of representing effectively their members’ views in the EU social dialogue; Better understanding the economic and social challenges faced by Social Partners in Europe; Building up trade unions'/employers' resource centres so that they are relevant for the EU27 and candidate countries 3
Geographical scope (12 countries) Capacity Building joint Project “Social partners’ participation in the European social dialogue: what are social partners’ needs?” Geographical scope (12 countries) Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey Target National social partners affiliated to the cross-industry EU social partners organisations Methodology Maximise bipartite discussion, agreement and action planning Interactive working groups and plenary sessions Input from EU social partners and experts
Joint national seminars: Two Phases Joint Project - “Social partners’ participation in the European social dialogue: what are social partners’ needs?” Joint national seminars: Two Phases Phase one Generation of ideas for improving the influence on the EU social dialogue; Identify the constraints (organisational & individual) to effective participation in the EU social dialogue Agreement on priorities and areas for action – individually and together. Phase two A formal review of outcomes against agreed priorities and areas for action; Identification of new problems and way to resolve them Priorities for action going forward. 1/2 year(s) later Final EU Conference
± 1.000 national social partner representatives; Capacity Building joint Project “Social partners’ participation in the European social dialogue: what are social partners’ needs?” “Measurable” outputs Five years (2004 – 2009); 12 countries; 24 seminars; ± 1.000 national social partner representatives; EU social partner engagement; 24 seminar reports (available in 12 EU languages); Four reviews and reports (in EN and FR); Mini Study on Social Dialogue A series of related European social partner initiatives
The functioning and effectiveness of social dialogue in the country Capacity Building joint Project “Social partners’ participation in the European social dialogue: what are social partners’ needs?” The functioning and effectiveness of social dialogue in the country Practical questions of resourcing and organising for success Role of government; Influence of tripartism; Structural pluralism; Trust and respect; Representivity and the nature of collective bargaining Financial & material resources; Quality & quantity of people; Communication & cooperation; Matching agendas; International cooperation
Capacity Building joint Project Some concluding remarks The active commitment of national social partners in this project has led to positive results Fostering bipartite social dialogue at national level; Helping to develop stronger synergies between various levels (national vs European and vice versa); Improving knowledge at national level of EU social dialogue results, process and priorities Enhancing the understanding at EU level of national systems …but there is still room for improvement: the process needs to go on! EU SPs will continue to assist members National SPs hold the key for better joint results 8
Integrated Programme 2009-2011 Objectives: Follow up phase to Integrated Programme (IP) 2008 - 2010 Implementation EU SPs joint work programme 2009 - 2010 Understand key challenges facing Social Partners (SPs) Explore new issues through joint work Promoters: BUSINESSEUROPE (on behalf of employers) / ETUC Partners: the 4 EU SPs (ETUC, BUSINESSEUROPE, CEEP, UEAPME) Target: National social partners affiliated to the EU SPs in: EU 27 member states Turkey and Croatia (NB no members in Macedonia) Length: 18 months (1 December 2009 – 30 May 2011) 9
Integrated Programme 2009-2011 Joint study “The employment impact of climate change policies” (Phase 1) II Joint study “The implementation of flexicurity and the role of social partners” (Phase 1) III Resource Centres - Activities managed jointly: “Tools to support EU Social Dialogue development” EU SD Seminar and “ad-hoc” EU Social Dialogue meetings EU SPs joint Training and Mentoring programme Translation Fund – 23 languages Resource Centres - Activities separately managed: Managed by BUSINESSEUROPE on behalf of all employers Managed by ETUC Employers’ Resource Centre Website Trade unions’ Resource Centre Website Mentoring Programme for employer representatives Mentoring Programme for trade union representatives On-demand Seminars on European social dialogue for EU 27 +2 Twinning seminars on European social dialogue for EU 27 + 2 Advanced EU SD training to trade union representatives EU27
Project III – Resource Centres ETUC Resource Centre website: Training & mentoring on EU SD to trade union representatives Advanced training on EU SD results “Twinning seminars” on demand on EU SD to EU27
Project III – Resource Centres Joint Activities “Tools to support EU Social Dialogue development” Objective: improve existing tools put in place new joint capacity building activities addressed to national SPs. What: joint interactive trainings on social dialogue issues Target: national SPs EU27 + TR & HR with good level of English but limited experience of the EU social dialogue Objective: developing an enhanced knowledge of EU cross-industry and sectoral social dialogue functioning. Up to 4 ‘ad hoc’ meetings on EU SD developments / preparation Survey on recent EU SD developmens + implementation of EU Social Dialogue Agreements (e.g. telework and / or work related stress) EU Seminar (Brussels) involving EU 27 (+ TR + HR+ EEA*) External expertise 1. Translation Fund – 23 languages 2. Joint Training & Mentoring 3. ‘ad hoc’ EU SD Brussels-based meetings 4. EU Seminar on EU SD
Translation Fund Objective: promote full implementation of EU social dialogue texts throughout the EU Who? National confederations affiliated to ETUC, BUSINESSEUROPE,UEAPME and CEEP as well as EIFs What? Available for translating documents produced by the European cross- industry social dialogue as well as agreements negotiated in the framework of the European sectoral social dialogue with a direct link and/or deriving from cross-industry social dialogue texts. 23 languages: BUSINESSEUROPE for the 11 following languages: DA, DE, HR, IT, LT, LV, NL, PL, RO, SL, SK ETUC for the 12 following languages: BG, CZ, EL, ES, ET, FI, FR, HU, MT, PT, SW, TR How? Joint request for translation - Joint checking of the translation Result? Translated texts sent to national members and published on resource centre websites
Contacts Ms Cinzia Sechi ETUC Bvd du Roi Albert II, 5 B-1210 Brussels Tel: +32 (0)2 224 04 17 Fax: + 32 (0)2 224 04 54 Email: Thank you!