De- rotating face - Procedure Eye detection and mouth detection Measuring angle of face Rotating the face back to upright frontal position
EyemapC High Cb and low Cr values are found the eyes(EyemapC)
EyemapL Eye contains both dark and bright pixels in the luminance component(EyemapL)
Eyemap Eyemap=(EyeMapC)AND(EyeMapL) ->Normalize Eyemap to the range [0,255]
Construction of eye map
MouthMap The color of mouth region contains more red component and less blue component than other facial region. Hence, Cr>Cb
Construction of the mouth map
Locating Eyes
Locating mouth and rotating
Extracting face part
More result
More results
Advantages Fast to get result (1.7 seconds) It can be related to face detection.
Further study Better lightening compensate techniques is required->Very sensitive to lightening problems Different method to measure angle -> Eyes can’t always be detected.(Sunglasses, small eyes, closed eyes, etc)