21st CCLC Leadership Conference October 21, 2011
Marshmallow Challenge Short ED challenge to engage you in thinking about the ED process.
Engineering Design Challenge Count Off to form Groups of Four Each Group claim Work Space Each Group receives a Kit Total = 5 minutes Whole group counts off to form groups of four (i.e., if 28 people in group, then count off by 7 to form 7 groups of four each) Will have 8 kits made.
Engineering Design Challenge Contents of the Kit 20 Spaghetti Sticks One Yard of String One Yard of Tape One Marshmallow Each group of four will receive a kit.
Engineering Design Challenge Your Challenge is to Design and Build the Tallest Free-Standing Structure that will Support the Marshmallow on Top. Entire Marshmallow Must be on Top Use as Much or as Little of the Kit Contents May Break up the Spaghetti, String, or Tape The Challenge Lasts 18 Minutes
Engaging in Engineering Design Begin the Challenge Total = 18 minutes Start Cool Timer
Lessons of the Marshmallow Challenge More TED Talks for Teachers Seven minute video. TED = small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader TED Conference = Gather the world's leading thinkers and doers, offer them four days of rapid-fire stimulation, and the result? Unexpected connections. Extraordinary insights. Powerful inspiration.
Resources for Engineering Design ITEEA Teacher Resources Websites http://www.iteea.org/Resources/tewebsites.htm Try Engineering http://tryengineering.org/teachers.php Teach Engineering http://www.teachengineering.com/index.php Design Squad http://pbskids.org/designsquad/parentseducators Engineer the Future http://teachers.egfi-k12.org/ Here are some resources for engineering design. You have 30 minutes to investigate these or find others. We will allow 15 minutes for sharing what you discovered.