The Enlightenment: Hobbes & Locke What are the major differences between Hobbes & Locke?
“Dark times” in world hist. prior to the Enlightenment Crusades & Church Abuses, Absolute Monarchs, Slavery 1500s, Scientific Rev new ideas Copernicus – Heliocentric (sun centered) not Geocentric (earth centered) Galileo – moon, stars imperfect 1600s: thinking changes during the Enlightenment emphasized reason & power of indvidual Thomas Hobbes 1588-1679, born in England Believed in a “Social Contract” between people & ruler Wrote Leviathan (1651) Influence: secularism
John Locke 1632-1704, born in England Believed in Natural Rights Religion & divine right were the cause of conflict and that people were naturally selfish and wicked People need a secular government with a strong ruler whose authority comes from the people, not divine right Hobbes’ Social Contract states people will exchange some of their rights to receive protection from the ruler Question: Do you agree or disagree with this theory? Why? John Locke 1632-1704, born in England Believed in Natural Rights Wrote Two Treatises of Government He influences: US Declaration of Independence & American Revolution
Criticized absolutism & promoted self-government Said people are born free & equal with three natural rights: life, liberty, and property The purpose of government is to protect these rights If a government fails to do this, then the people should overthrow the government Locke influenced Thomas Jefferson, American colonists & other countries who would revolt against their govts Question: Do you agree with John Locke’s theory? Why? Which philosopher (Locke or Hobbes) do you most agree with and why?? Be prepared to discuss/ defend your answer.