Weather prediction
Science Thoughts 12/4 What is causes low and high pressure in air masses? Cool air pushing down – high Warm air rising up – low
Hurricane Project/Review We will spend the five days next week completing the Hurricane Project in the Learning Commons. All Research and Presentations should be completed by the end of class on Friday. 11/17 – WONDER questions (minor grade) 11/21 – INVESTIGATE research (minor grade) 12/13 – SYNTHESIZE research and organization (minor grade) 12/15 – EXPRESS presentation material (group major grade) 12/21 – EXPRESS group presentation (group major grade) PROJECT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE!
Air Masses and Fronts, Air Pressure and Winds, Weather Patterns Quiz DOUBLE INB Check 42 - Google classroom current event Irma, Harvey, Maria
What is the name of a scientist who studies weather? Meteorologist Science Thoughts 12/5 What is the name of a scientist who studies weather? Meteorologist
Today in class 42 - Severe Storm Recipe 43 - Google Classroom Paragraphs 44 - Forecasting Worksheets 1 – 5
Science Thoughts 12/6 What is an isobar? Line of the same pressure. Far apart – little wind Close together – strong wind
Today in class 42 - Severe Storm Recipe 43 - Three Paragraphs (computer) 44 - Forecasting Worksheets 1 – 5 45 - Demo Lab – Convection Currents
Science Thoughts 12/7 What causes “lake effect snow”? Polar continental air mass travels over large body of water (lake) and takes on properties of what is under it (water). Falls as snow on the far side of the lake.
Today in class Vocabulary Quiz 42 - Severe Storm Recipe 43 - Three Paragraphs 44 - Worksheets 1 – 5 45 - Convection Lab 46 - Coriolis Lab
Science Thoughts 12/8 Why is it important to have a plan to deal with natural disasters? Limit damage, injury, any emergency situations.
Today in class 42 - Severe Storm Recipe 43 - Three Paragraphs 44 - Worksheets 1 – 5 45 - Convection Lab 46 – Coriolis Lab NEXT WEEK: Meet in Learning Commons