Vibrios in the Environment 2010 Beau Rivage Resort and Casino


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Presentation transcript:

Vibrios in the Environment 2010 Beau Rivage Resort and Casino ROLE OF REMOTE SENSING FOR THE SURVEILLENCE OF VIBRIOS IN THE ENVIRONMENT D. Jay Grimes The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Ocean Springs, MS 39564 Vibrios in the Environment 2010 Beau Rivage Resort and Casino Biloxi, MS

What are the Health Risks from Marine Vibrios? Vibrio cholerae Cholera Wound infections Gastroenteritis Vibrio vulnificus Primary septicemiaa Wound infectionsb Gastroenteritis?? Vibrio parahaemolyticus And there are other Vibrio agents of risk a b

Satellite-based Remote Sensing Satellites can now detect many physical and chemical signals from the ocean Emitted signals, e.g., sea surface temperature (SST), are the most dependable Shallow coastal areas, cloud cover, haze, and storms present problems to accurate RS Many RS signals correlate well with real-time or in situ measurements A major current problem is that many satellites have reached the end of their useful life

OHHI Objective 2 Results: Predicted Vp vs. observed Vp correlated So when we used in situ measured water temperature (in pink) in the FDA formula to predict Vp levels, the curve was very similar to the levels predicted using RS water temperature (yellow), and when plotted against actual Vp levels measured by plating and probing, both curves were significantly similar to the observed Vp levels. There are, however, several spikes that demonstrate temperature is not the only factor at play here. Mean log10 V. parahaemolyticus/g = -0.84 + 0.11 x SST r = 0.692 for IS and r = 0.673 for RS (Phillips et al., 2007, J. Food Prot. 70:879-884, Figure 1)

OHHI Objective 2 Results: Relationship between total Vp (tlh) and salinity So when we used in situ measured water temperature (in pink) in the FDA formula to predict Vp levels, the curve was very similar to the levels predicted using RS water temperature (yellow), and when plotted against actual Vp levels measured by plating and probing, both curves were significantly similar to the observed Vp levels. There are, however, several spikes that demonstrate temperature is not the only factor at play here. (Zimmerman et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 73:7589-7596 , Figure 4.A.)

Vibrio Remote Sensing Report This is where we’re at Vibrio Remote Sensing Report

Recent Maps that Include Salinity average log(Vp/g) = -2.05 + 0.097*TWATER + 0.2*SAL - 0.0055*SAL2

Next: Nowcasting to Forecasting V. parahaemolyticus in molluscan shellfish V. vulnificus in molluscan shellfish Vibrios in coastal water at bathing beaches 10,000 Vp/g at 30o15’52”N, 89o06’48”W SST from MODIS Precise data from a “Tricorder”

Marine Microbial Ecology Group The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Crystal Johnson and Andrea Phillips Zimmerman FDA Andy DePaola John Bowers NRL-SSC S. Ladner R. Gould “Grimes et al.”: Nick Noriea, Marcia Pendleton, Dawn Rebarchik, Rachelle Williams, Kim Griffitt, Tracy Berutti, Becky Hardgrove, Jay Grimes, Halley Murray, Misty Schaubhut, Adrienne Flowers