Christie Lee, Cerritos President Teryn Ngo, District News Editor New Term, New Ideas District Convention 2017 Christie Lee, Cerritos President Teryn Ngo, District News Editor
Summer “Dead” Months Create bonding/service events Ex: Beach Clean Ups Local Carnivals Maintain communication THROUGHOUT the vacation. Keep updating on social media/email/website Host Officer Boot Camp for new board. Helps form stronger relationships Fun way to get them to truly learn their responsibilities. ICEBREAKER FIRST: Have them play rock-paper-scissors and line up behind the person who wins. The person with the longest line at the end wins. First- Don’t take a break from serving. Make sure you continuously offer service opportunities for your members so they don’t lose interest. Second bullet- inform members of summer DCMs, don’t go MIA!!! 2
Use the summer to start planning ahead. Have an officer meeting to create a calendar for the school year. Organize fundraisers ahead of time. Figure out your goals for the term. Have each officer find a specific goal they want to accomplish during this time. Think about your own major events Get new ideas for service projects Have official dates to prevent conflicts. Cerritos has Shoot for the Cure, an annual 3v3 basketball fundraiser tournament. (Our biggest event) Second bullet - Talk about CHS has master calendar papers every semester that we must fill out for major events/fundraisers. Easiest to plan EARLY so wont have to worry about last minute choosing dates.
ASB Relationships Start collaborating with your ASB! Offer to help during summer registration. Great opportunity to talk about Key Club to underclassmen. ASB is there to help and check up on you. Designate an officer who will be in constant contact with ASB. Second bullet- Emphasize underclassmen registration Third bullet- Cerritos has a Public Relations Chair who attends all ASB ICC meetings and informs the club about it. Also have Project Chair who is responsible for all ASB paperwork. Helpful to have an ASB member on your board! Turn in all paperwork to ASB ON TIME.
What are two reasons why you should host an Officer Bootcamp? Helps form strong relationships Fun way for them to learn all of their responsibilities
Club Rush BEE the loudest club out there! Make your booth STAND OUT. Don’t be afraid to show your spirit. Make your booth STAND OUT. Pass out flyers with your first general meeting date Get permission to pass out some goodies! Ex: candy Have a social media element: free publicity! Create posters to talk about major events/purposes Ex: Fall Rally, PTP, RTC Treat this day like Fall Rally. There won’t be that many clubs on campus willing to wear tutus and ears on club rush so you’ll definitely stand out! It’s attractive to students who don’t know which clubs they want to do.
Bonding Start the school year with bonding activities. With these events, you can incorporate fundraisers. Ex: Ice skating, bowling, carwash Cerritos has an annual Induction for all new members. We have icebreakers, food, etc to make it fun for members. We also inform them on PTP, MNT, and Fall Rally so they know the true purpose of Key Club. We also teach them chants during this meeting ex: How do you feel??? To start raising their spirits. Not only will your members get to know each other, you’ll also be raising money for PTP or MNT.
Fall Rally Talk about Fall Rally to your members EARLY. Host an informational meeting that both Helps excite members about it and another great bonding opportunity! Most of the new members will know Fall Rally as the “Six Flags Trip” but educate them on the purpose. explains why we have Fall Rally, teach them chants for spirit sessions, and make spirit gear together.
How can you form relationships with your school’s ASB? Offer to help during their summer registration.
? ? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go for it!
Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Jessica Doan, Lakewood Kiwanis Committee Member, 2016-2017 Christie Lee, Cerritos President, 2016-2017