Bruce Kraemer Jesse Walker Al Petrick November 2004 IEEE 802 – JTC1/SC6 Overview Bruce Kraemer Jesse Walker Al Petrick Kraemer, Walker, Petrick
November 2004 Background IEEE 802 submits some standards and amendments to ISO for international approval, e.g. -1, -2, -3, -5, -6, -11 802.11 pieces are known as 8802-11 xxx Some are currently in the approval pipeline e.g 802.11i – security amendment China has submitted an alternate security mechanism for use with 8802-11 (N12687 also known as WAPI) ISO/JTC1/SC6/WG1 meeting held in Orlando week of Nov 8 There is confusion within ISO over the proper procedure to handle this Question over the working relationship with IEEE 802 Kraemer, Walker, Petrick
ISO & IEEE 802 ? ISO JTC1 Typical Flow SC6 Submission WG1 8802-3 November 2004 ISO & IEEE 802 ISO JTC1 SC6 WG1 8802-3 8802-11 Typical Flow Submission IEEE 802.X UK NB Chinese NB WAPI Standard Proposal How to : Move work from ISO to IEEE802? maintain integrity of both 802.11 with WAPI Security? ? Kraemer, Walker, Petrick