I Can Follow Rules at School
I know how to follow the rules. I know how to follow the rules I can follow rules. I know how to follow the rules. I know how to follow the rules at school.
To follow the rules, I know that I must do what my teacher asks me to do.
This means I should raise my hand to talk, and always complete my work.
My mouth should always be quiet. I should not talk back or whine.
I learn the best when I follow the rules at school.
My teacher tells me that I do a good job when I follow the rules.
Sometimes, I forget how to walk the right way in the hallways. It is O Sometimes, I forget how to walk the right way in the hallways. It is O.K. My teacher will remind me.
I can follow the rules!
By: Jeff Morrison, MS, CCC-SLP www.theAccentDr.homestead.com The End. By: Jeff Morrison, MS, CCC-SLP www.theAccentDr.homestead.com