Greek and latin root words: unit 11 12th Grade
CURA Latin “care”
SINECURE A job that brings a salary or reward without requiring work; a job in name only Timmy was so excited to earn a promotion to a position of sinecure; he’d never fish to eat again!
INCURIOUS Not inclined to seek knowledge; idle Unfortunately, Bobby Sue’s incurious nature made her the brunt of many seal jokes.
PROCUrE To get with some effort As a result of all his efforts, little Davie was able to procure funding for saving seven humans.
NEC Latin “to harm, to kill”
INTERNECINE Causing many deaths on all sides of a conflict Following the internecine of the Great Penguin/Seal War of 1998, the two groups decided to peacefully co-exist.
INNOCUOUS Not causing harm or injury Bobby tried to convince the officer he was innocuous, but it was to no avail. He spent the rest of the day in a dry cell.
SOl Latin “to comfort”
SOLACE Comfort or consolation Robin was not usually a hugger; but she found the seal’s offer provided her with solace after she lost her pug puppy.
INCONSOLABLE Very sad; unable to be comforted Leo became inconsolable when the other cats demanded he walk “normally.”
SAL Latin “healthy, whole”
SALUBRIOus Promoting good health Drowning in jealousy will certainly not yield salubrious results.
SALUTARY Having a positive or healthy result Lisa’s intervention led to a salutary solution for the baby seals.
SALUTATION An act of greeting “Dear Sally the Baby Seal of Goodness” would be an apt salutation.