Lecture 45 Review of Lectures 26-44 Dr. Ghalib A. Shah Wireless Networks Lecture 45 Review of Lectures 26-44 Dr. Ghalib A. Shah
Last Lecture 4G Overview Mobility Management Handoffs Heterogeneous Wireless networks Evolution Issues in 4G Mobility Management Handoffs Types, VHO process, VHO Issues Standards QoS Considerations
26 - Outlines Overview of IEEE 802.11 IEEE 802.11 Protocols Architecture Services MAC Protocols DCF PCF
Overview, IEEE 802.11 Committee Committee formed in 1990 Wide attendance Multiple Physical Layers Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Infrared 2.4GHz Industrial, Scientific & Medical shared unlicensed band 2.4 to 2.4835GHz with FCC transmitted power limits 2Mb/s & 1Mb/s data transfer
27 - Outlines Problems with DCF Virtual Carrier Sensing RTC/CTS Protocol Inter-frame Spacing PCF Fragmentation / Reassembly MAC Frame Format Frame Types Physical Media in Original IEEE 802.11
28 - Outlines Introduction Routing Protocol What is Ad hoc networks? Characteristic Ad hoc vs. cellular networks Application Challenges Routing Protocol Expected Properties of Ad-hoc Routing Protocols A taxonomy for routing protocols in Mobile ad Some common protocols (DSDV, AODV, DSR, ZRP, TORA)
29 - Outlines Types of Attack Goals of 802.11 Security WEP Protocol WEP Authentication Security flaws in original 802.11
How 802.1x Address Security Issues of 802.11 EAP Framework User Identification & Strong authentication Dynamic key derivation Mutual authentication Per-packet authentication Dictionary attack precautions
Authentication Server IEEE 802.1X Terminology Authenticator Authentication Server Supplicant Controlled port Uncontrolled port
30 - Outlines Limitations of QoS in IEEE 802.11 Overview of 802.11e EDCF HCF QoS is realized by introducing traffic categories (TCs) Each instance is parameterized with TC specific parameters AIFS, CWmin, CWmax, Persistence factor (PF)
slide by Konidala M. Divyan [3] Example Network B Home network A Foreign Agent Internet Home Agent Network C Mobile Node Corresp. Node C slide by Konidala M. Divyan [3]
31 - Outlines Introduction to WMN Characteristics WMN vs MANET Backbone, dedicated routing, mobility, multiple radios Architecture Applications Critical factors influencing performance Radio techniques Scalability QoS Security Ease of Use Mesh connectivity
32 - Outlines MAC Layer Network Layer QoS Support at each layer Scalability Multi-Channel Some Ideas Research Issues Network Layer Routing Wish List Route Optimization Criteria Routing fairness Routing – Cross-layer design QoS Support at each layer WMN Standards
33 - Outlines TCP Variants Issues in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Slow start Fast Retransmit/Recovery (TCP Reno) Issues in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks TCP Schemes for Wireless Pure Link-level Approaches Soft-state Transport Layer Caching Approaches Soft-state Cross Layer Signalling Approaches Hard-state Transport Layer Approaches
34 - Outline Introduction to WSN Applications of WSN Factors Influencing Performance of WSN Power consumption Fault tolerance Scalability Topology Architecture and Communication Protocols Challenges in WSNs.
35 - Outlines Attributes of MAC Protocol Energy Efficiency in MAC Proposed Routing Protocol S-MAC T-MAC DS-MAC Traffic Adaptive MAC DMAC Contention-Free MAC
36 - Outlines Routing Challenges and Design Issues Routing Protocols Deployment Routing method Heterogeneity Fault tolerance Power Mobility etc Routing Protocols SPIN Directed Diffusion ACQUIRE LEACH TEEN/APTEEN GAF GEAR SPEED
37 - Outlines Transport Protocols for WSN TCP/UDP for WSN Protocols PSFQ ESRT CODA Security Threats in WSN TinySec Motivations of Link Layer security TinySec Design goals
38 - Outlines Security primitives in TinySec Encryption Schemes Keying mechanism WMSN Architecture Applications Advantages Design Considerations Protocols WSAN Motivation WSN vs WSAN
39 - Outlines Bluetooth introduction Technical features Access technique Bluetooth topology/scenario Specifications Core Protocols Link connections
40 - Outlines IP Over Bluetooth Bluetooth Security WPAN Standards IEEE 802.15.3 Overview 802.15.3 Topology Coordination Starting a Piconet Handing over control of piconet Creating child piconet Medium Access (Super-frame) Channel Time Management Power management MAC Frame format
41 - Outlines IEEE 802.15.4 Basics, Type of Devices Phy Layer Channel Access Mechanisms Slotted/Unslotted CSMA/CA Super-frame Structure
42 - Outlines WiMAX Basics 802.16 Evolution
43 - Outlines Reference Model Burst profiles Classes of Uplink service
44 - Outline 4G Overview Mobility Management Handoffs