2 oceanic plates colliding 3 Types of Plate Boundary Movements Hills Earthquakes Strike-Slip Fault Reverse Fault Mountains Shearing: Comp- ression: Fault Lines 2 continental plates colliding Normal Fault Tension: Transform Boundary Convergent Boundary Rift Valley Divergent Boundary 1 oceanic and 1 continental plate colliding 2 oceanic plates colliding 3 Types of Plate Boundary Movements Sea-Floor Spreading (New ocean floor is created as the magma fills the gaps created by diverging plates Mid-Ocean Ridges SUBDUCTION (More dense plate will slide below the less dense plate and go back into the mantle: plate destruction) The Theory of Plate Tectonics Convection Currents in the Mantle (hot less dense material rises, cool more dense material falls) Volcanic Mountain Ranges Deep Ocean Trench Island Arc Wegener/ Continental Drift/ Pangaea