Benefits of Running By: Jake BLACKETOR
The main reason I choose this topic to talk to all of you about is because all of my 3 sports involve running & I’m going to inform you guys on the benefits of running & what it does for your body. Studies show the 75% of Americans are overweight or obese & to decrease this percent we need to quit being lazy and give running a try.
According to, I found that running is the best thing a human can commit to in the life. It doesn't just help your body physically but, mentally, which consists of increased concentration & being able to look at things in a whole new perspective. (interview with a world renowned heart surgeon) Running can reduce risk for disease, reduce low grade inflammation. Helps you build lean muscle mass and can make your heart so much stronger. But, you cant just run once & suddenly be healthy. You have to have consistency when you run so you don’t lose your strength that you have gained while running.
The Telegraph (why running makes our body feel good) Running isn't just about the exercise but it also makes you have a boost of confidence because of the natural chemicals, called endorphins, which flood the brain while running. Progression is always key when it comes to running, you never what to start off to fast but you also don’t want to go so slow that your barley even moving.
Running doesn't only help you lose numerous pounds but it also makes you have an over all good feel. It doesn't matter what age you start it will still help your health & give you a good charged feeling. If your stressed with school, work or any other things, running is the solution for you.
Interview Candice Me: After listening to my PowerPoint are you inspired to run? Candice: Yes, because of better health. Me: What specific aspect of running stood out to you? Candice: The part about having to do it on a consistent basis in order to stay healthy. Me: When is the best part of the day to run for you? Candice: In the morning before going to work.
Men over weight in blue. (BMI 25-29. 9) Women over weight in orange Men over weight in blue. (BMI 25-29.9) Women over weight in orange. (BMI 25-29.9) Men obese in white. (BMI 30+) Women obese in brown. (BMI 30+)