Cell Analogy: Factory By Dakota Bethell
Cell Wall: Wall The Walls of the factory keep it up and protect it
Cell Membrane: Doors The Doors let things go in and out, a lot like the Cell membrane
Nucleus: Manager The manager controls the factory (cell) just like the nucleus.
Nucleus membrane: Main room The main room holds in the manager. Acting like the Nucleus Membrane.
Cytoplasm: Conveyor belt Moves boxes (organelles) move through the factory easily
Mitochondria: Local Plant Creates more energy.
Chloroplast: Solar Panel The chloroplast gets energy from the sun, like solar panels.
Lysosome: Custodian The lysosome is like the custodian because it cleans the factory (cell)
Vacuole: Storage closet/kitchen This stores food and energy in the Cell for now or later.
Golgi Body: Mail room Delivers packages (blood) to other parts of the cell
Cytoskeleton: Inner beams The inner beams and poles in the factory hold it up.
Centrioles: Secretary The Secretary organizes the division process Cells
Endoplasmic reticulum: Stations Helps in the process to create protein
Chromosome: Blue Prints The DNA of the factory is like the blue prints, it gives us the outline of the cell, which is what made the factory (cell)